New Ship Completed! Opinions?

Sorry about the earlier test. I don't know anything about HTML and image hosting and the like. So I used AuctionWatch 😉

Anyways.... what do you think about the model? Anything it needs or do not need? And yes it looks a bit like the Klingon Bird of Prey which is my all time favourite ship and which the Seraphin is somewhat based upon. Thanks!




But I'm wondering how it will look scaled down to sprite size.

Also, you don't need to do test posts, if you make a mistake, you can go back and edit your message via the edit button above your post.


$HIT, MAN! That ship is too good looking to appear in Escape Velocity! Port it to a GOOD game, not EV.

That ship is kick ass. 😄

Who the f*** is Nothing. EV's a great game. if your gonna be like that bug**r off


HHHmmmmm, what the hell did you make that ship with, I am a professional graphic designer and use Lightwave for the most part, and I can allways use tips from anyone, gimme gimme gimme

By the way all this means it looks good, good enough to put in a movie (lightwave). 😉


We are the Borg.

Lower your shields
and surrender your builds.

We will add your networkable
and technologicaly distinctive game to our own collection.

Your builds will adapt to service us.


Holy ****!! that is one mother ******* sweet ship!!! WHAT PRORAM DID YOU USE?!! TEL ME!! Also, that should not be a transport, mor a destroyer or carrier, so you can show off the textures and detail!
I too, use lightwave, and I am hoping that you use it!! fingers crossed my stuff is prettty good, but not as good as that.

Damn sweet! Damn Nice!

Admiral Zombat

"Gug ug hu-uuggug agg ackug-glub"
("you backstabbing turncoat!")

Saweeet! Say, are you, um, busy? Got time for, um, about a zillion graphics for my plug? Buddy? Pal? 😉

EV Haiku- by Matt Burch

Floating chunks of rock
Space bomb drops too soon- kaboom
time for escape pod

Very very nice! What program did you use? (chalk up another one...) Did you make the textures yourself, or are they downloaded/included with the program/modified versions of the above?

Got any hints for those looking to make textures like those? (at least myself, though I probably use a different program - Infini-D 4.5)


Very cool. Too cool however, to be a lowly transport. That beast has got to be at leats a heavy cruiser. BTW, would you consider porting it to Ares?

Throughout their history these "unenlightened" beings have continually opposed and fought abuses of power wrought by their own bretheren. We, as the prophets would do well to learn from these Humans.
-Final statement of the Salrilian reformist Sirthis shortly before his execution.

You mean 3D artist, not? A graphic designer might have 3D skills, but are much happier with Photoshop, Illustrator and Quark than Lightwave.


Originally posted by Vindicator609:
**HHHmmmmm, what the hell did you make that ship with, I am a professional graphic designer and use Lightwave for the most part, and I can allways use tips from anyone, gimme gimme gimme

By the way all this means it looks good, good enough to put in a movie (lightwave). 😉



You just might have a career in this business, PyroManiac. Very nice indeed. Scale it down to sprite size...and make about forty more ships of the same quality, enough to populate a plug-in. 🙂 Well done.


if you lived here, you'd be home by now

Thnaks all. Just for the record, I used Lightwave 5.6 The textures were made my myself at it was surprising simple texture. Just a few randomly shaped rectangular plates with a darker edge to seperate them. Above that texture I places a specularity layer on top of that which was also the same texture to give the different value plates a different glitter ( like what thay do on StarTrek). Lastly the third layer was the "dirty" layer that I made in Photoshop. It was basically grey streaks and smudges on a white back ground. I used that same (inverted) image of the dirt as an alpha channel so the the white areas of the image would be transparent ond only the dirt will show; its strengths based upon how dark the grey smudges were on the original image.

I am already helping Philip with his plug-in The Great Expansion. For that plug I'm strictly doing only landing pics. I love modelling but hate texturing. I have lots of models that are yet to be textured and many more ship "parts" that came to mind but have yet to find a suitable ship. My models are more detailed than they need to be for EVO because they are ment to be animated with close-up flybys for my portfolio. In other words thay are meant to be rendered for production.

As to the design of the Seraphin, I know it looks more like a warship and that was the canundrum! Basically it was meant to be a warship with a cargo compartment (like the Kestral in EV), so I had to design it to look menecing and sleek. Even though in space, aerodynamics have no use. Also it had to look human! No use designing a ship that looks like a B5 Vorlon Organic ships since there are no aliens in my plug. Capital ships on the other hand are large bulky things and that will be reflected in my models.

Anyways thanks for all the opinions!


As in response to foo12, I am a professional, and as you well know being good at design these days also means being able to design for the web, and most importantly a good 3D portfolio and background, plus a Multi-Media degree helps a little 🙂 😉


We are the Borg.

Lower your shields
and surrender your builds.

We will add your networkable
and technologicaly distinctive game to our own collection.

Your builds will adapt to service us.


YESSSS!!! Lightwave!!! Well, i only have 5.0, but it still works great!

Admiral Zombat

"Gug ug hu-uuggug agg ackug-glub"
("you backstabbing turncoat!")

Booya! ChaCHING! Yobabe!! Yo one awshom designer dere now!!

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna the spritie wities for dat dere! She's a shweet little one right dere ya.


Of course, I'm very much the same way but 3d is not my strong suit. I can shake a big html stick and have worked color prepress for so long that I know exactly how a spot gloss will look on a given match color. BUT ANYWAY 🙂

Got a URL with your portfolio? I'm truly curious.


Originally posted by Vindicator609:
**As in response to foo12, I am a professional, and as you well know being good at design these days also means being able to design for the web, and most importantly a good 3D portfolio and background, plus a Multi-Media degree helps a little:) 😉



Ugh.... can we get one of those big chickens with it's hand right about at the 5'5" level and a big speach ballon saying, "You must be at least this tall to post to the Developer's Forum?"

PLEASE Andrew W.? 😉


Originally posted by <Simon>:
**Booya! ChaCHING! Yobabe!! Yo one awshom designer dere now!!

I wanna, I wanna, I wanna the spritie wities for dat dere! She's a shweet little one right dere ya.



foo12, here are some grphics for part of a plug-in I am helping with:


This is not my best stuff, and I don't have that musch time to make 3D, as i'm busy with my Company most of the time! 😉 😉 😉


We are the Borg.

Lower your shields
and surrender your builds.

We will add your networkable
and technologicaly distinctive game to our own collection.

Your builds will adapt to service us.


(This message has been edited by Vindicator609 (edited 07-25-2000).)


Originally posted by PyroManiac:
As to the design of the Seraphin, I know it looks more like a warship and that was the canundrum! Basically it was meant to be a warship with a cargo compartment (like the Kestral in EV), so I had to design it to look menecing and sleek. Even though in space, aerodynamics have no use. Also it had to look human! No use designing a ship that looks like a B5 Vorlon Organic ships since there are no aliens in my plug. Capital ships on the other hand are large bulky things and that will be reflected in my models.

I was curious about your claim that it was a transport, yet the bridge is so small. So, I measured it.

The bridge windows, from the top view, are about 3 pixels long and the ship is about 300 pixels long. Assuming that, from the top, the windows for the bridge are about as long as an average person (5.5 feet to be round) to give enough visiblilty (so you aren't peering through a small slot), the ship is 550 feet long or 183.33333 yards long. Accounting that yards are shorter than meters, the ship is as long as a (looks in EV)...hmm. Longer than a Kestrel or Confed Frigate (both 80m) and shorter than a Confed Cruiser or Bulk Freighter (both 250m). Strangely, the Rebel Cruiser is longer than a Confed Cruiser at 280m. Anyway, this isn't any small transport to say the least! It's bigger than a football stadium!

How's that for deduction?



Originally posted by Weepul 884:
**I was curious about your claim that it was a transport, yet the bridge is so small. So, I measured it.

The bridge windows, from the top view, are about 3 pixels long and the ship is about 300 pixels long. Assuming that, from the top, the windows for the bridge are about as long as an average person (5.5 feet to be round) to give enough visiblilty (so you aren't peering through a small slot), the ship is 550 feet long or 183.33333 yards long. Accounting that yards are shorter than meters, the ship is as long as a (looks in EV)...hmm. Longer than a Kestrel or Confed Frigate (both 80m) and shorter than a Confed Cruiser or Bulk Freighter (both 250m). Strangely, the Rebel Cruiser is longer than a Confed Cruiser at 280m. Anyway, this isn't any small transport to say the least! It's bigger than a football stadium!

How's that for deduction?


Faulty 😉 Everything hinges upon your presumption thatyour 3px measure approximately equals 5.5 feet. What happens if you double that? So then 3px = 11 feet, meaning you get a scale of about .273px/foot. Then you get a length of only 81.8 feet.

If there was a personnel hatch than, yeah, the reasoning would be sound. 🙂

Hey PyroManiac---are you modeling at scale in lightwave? In meters I presume? Makes things so much nice when putting several ships into the same scene. (And watch as the Mechanisto pundits stare in awe of a 3D program which has three separate pieces...)
