New Ship Completed! Opinions?

Er... well I never really intended for people to measure the Seraphin to it's feet for length etc...exactly. For the record the bridge windows are rather large. The ship is no longer than 200 meters; more or less around 150 meters. I think that the EV Kestral is too small. 80 meters is not that big at all. THink about it... an offical tournament size swimming pool is 50 meters in length. So it is unrelistic to me that it can squeeze 2 fighters inside if you take in it's cargo space, engine space and other misc. space needed for a ship. The bridge seats 4 crew members wide with two more behind and slightly above them. So the windows of the bridge are like 1.5 levels to allow for a better/wider viewing area. THere are other much bigger ships that I've made to fit their prospective roles. Crew complement of the seraphin is from 40-60. I have yet to decide exactly how much. Think of the ship as a Klingon Bird of Prey for my plug-in.



Originally posted by Weepul 884:
**Anyway, this isn't any small transport to say the least! It's bigger than a football stadium!

How's that for deduction?

It all depends on what you are transporting doesnt it! 🙂

Otherwise, it is a seriously grrovy ship!


AIM: HEGildor

WARNING: I cannot be held responsible for the above, as apparently my cats have learned how to type.

PyroManiac: Could you send me the texture/surface for the stern engines. They're the fan vented texture you used. I'd really appreciate it.


Actually I tried the Seraphin with that kind of bridge. I had 3 different bridges to choose from. I chose this one due to its similer style that fit the rest of the rather flat and angular. The two other bridges were more rounded and seem to be too radically different from the rest of the body. Like putting a chicken head on a duck. I dropped the oval shaped bridge because it made the Seraphin look way too much like a Klingon Bird of prey. As for the textures they are actually very simple. The first consisted of different sized rectangular pieces with grey color at different values. The second texture put on top of that was just for the dirty effect and smudges. I used the burn tool in Photoshop to create the smudges on a white background. When I used that texture of the dirt in Lightwave, I inverted the alphs channel so the whites became transparent and the darker grey smudges could be seen against the first layer. Really easy and anyone can do it! 8-) I will send you the images though. They are in Targa format which seems to be the format that Lightwave has least trouble with.


I don't suppose ye could send me those textures too? I'm intrigued.

Oh, and if you could, have them be PICTs, and stuffed if you would please.


Another quick question...we may not have been talking about the same things when I asked about textures. I also was referring to any "decals" you may have used. Or is the various shading on the fins and rear top part internal??? Did you use decals to get that? BTW I have no need for any of those, if you think I'm asking for them. I'm simply asking if you used 'em.


I can't help but think were somehow ripping out the magic of the graphics by asking these probing questions.

Weepul 884... hey!? Weepul!! Long time no see! How's it going? What was it you were working on. My minds going blank. Anyway, I'll email what he sent me if you'd like. Thanks again PyroManiac.

BTW: how long did it take to build?

(This message has been edited by Zeta (edited 07-28-2000).)


Originally posted by Zeta:
**I can't help but think were somehow ripping out the magic of the graphics by asking these probing questions.

Weepul 884... hey!? Weepul!! Long time no see! How's it going? What was it you were working on. My minds going blank. Anyway, I'll email what he sent me if you'd like. Thanks again PyroManiac.**

Uh, hi. Long time? I remember your name, but not from when. I was working on War Dawning (on hold), Overridden (canceled), Origins (for Epsilon, on hold), and now a new project, unnamed. I've got my work cut out for me...

Pyro sent me the files, but thanks for offering.

To me the "magic" is still there...and I'm on a quest to improve my techniques. Knowing how something is made is neat to me, since I make graphics too. Even if I see it made how it looks in the end is what is really important.


There is only one decal on the ship, the Chinese characters in red which meant XianFeng. The stripes are actually part of the texture and the vents are real geometric detail built into the model with a glow applied to the polygons that made up the bottom of the vents.


the jpg keeps on gettin cut. could you send it to me by email

thx in advance.


Three things.
1. That ship seriously kicks a$$ I bow in you presence(just kidding) but it is still really awesome
2. How much does that program(lightwave) cost?
3. You should have it where it has a sister ship that is wider and a little bit longer and have it be a carrier for some special government.

I congratulate you on your achievements,

Uhh....Is this one of those trick Questions?

AOL/IM: Will346
Gameranger: (DĹRK) Viper


Originally posted by Matrix:
**Three things.
1. That ship seriously kicks a$$ I bow in you presence(just kidding) but it is still really awesome
2. How much does that program(lightwave) cost?
3. You should have it where it has a sister ship that is wider and a little bit longer and have it be a carrier for some special government.

I congratulate you on your achievements,


1. I agree
2. A lot, about $2000, or.....less....if you look in the right places 😉
3. I also agree, and a fighter too for the carrier to carry

Marge: Pointing to Circuit board in Robots opened head
See Homer, that's why your robot didn't work!

(url="http://";=20&forum;=*EV/EVO+chronicles&DaysPrune;=25&article;=000024&startpoint;=")The Tides of War(/url)

(QUOTE)Originally posted by Matrix:
(B) Three things.
1. That ship seriously kicks a$$ I bow in you presence(just kidding) but it is still really awesome
2. How much does that program(lightwave) cost?
3. You should have it where it has a sister ship that is wider and a little bit longer and have it be a carrier for some special government.

Lightwave costs $899 for a student copy which is the version I have. I don't know about the 3rd suggestion. THis is a sleek and fast warship with a cargo capacity. If you add fighter carring capacity; logic dictates that such a ship should be less fast and manourvable. Don't worry... I have proper carrier in my plug which include

- Light carriers (6 fighters Max)
- Hybrid carriers (4 fighters Max)
- Fleet carriers. ( I don't know yet as I need to take into account the max amout of ship allowed on a screen at anyone time)

Just to clarify...fighters carried by ships are classified as fleet fighters. They are specially designed fighters to be carried by ships so they are smaller, have less mass, less powerful, and less range compared to standared fighters.
