EV3... Yes again!!!!

TO all in the know, does anyone have a rough time schedule when EV3 might come out? Like 4th Quarter of 2001 or 1st Quarter of 2002 like that. Just some rough estimates.

I'm asking because I'm planning ahead. Since I'm slowly chunking away at my own plug-in, I was wondering should I make it into one for EVO or prepare it as a EV3 plug-in? This is most criticle since the landing pics for EV3 seems to be at different resolution now. Which mean I have to re-render or remake some of the landing pics I have finished.

So what I plan to do was to make all the graphics first and mission stories and wait until EV3 comes out then have the plug made for it so it might be the first EV3 plug 😉



Originally posted by PyroManiac:
**TO all in the know, does anyone have a rough time schedule when EV3 might come out? Like 4th Quarter of 2001 or 1st Quarter of 2002 like that. Just some rough estimates.

I'm asking because I'm planning ahead. Since I'm slowly chunking away at my own plug-in, I was wondering should I make it into one for EVO or prepare it as a EV3 plug-in? This is most criticle since the landing pics for EV3 seems to be at different resolution now. Which mean I have to re-render or remake some of the landing pics I have finished.

So what I plan to do was to make all the graphics first and mission stories and wait until EV3 comes out then have the plug made for it so it might be the first EV3 plug 😉


maybe you should just wait.
what if - just WHAT IF - you made your plug for EV3(changed resolutions, etc....) and you just need the Creator and File Type to finish your plug and when EV3 come out you find out that the structure for a EV3 plug is completely different from what you made.
MB probably won't change how plugs work so you probably don't have to worry about this. Just re-render your pics into the new color depth(16bit for game sprites and 32bit for landing pics - i think) and just wait.


In 1.02 theres tons of unused fields, maybe he's just building off the old structure... but a reorganization would be nice since he seems to be redoing the engine.


Converting an EVO plugin to work with EV3 will be a bit more involved than simply changing the type/creator codes...


Matt Burch


Originally posted by mburch:
**Converting an EVO plugin to work with EV3 will be a bit more involved than simply changing the type/creator codes...



of course!!!!!! 🙂 😉


I want to start doing landing pics to be ready for the EV3 plug-in makers. From the samples on the Ambrosia upcoming page, it looks like I need to use Bryce with millions of colors, 612 x 285 pixels size and 72 ppi resolution. Is this right?
How should I save them: as picts, tiffs, jpegs?


I might be wrong but I am pretty sure EV3 will use PICTs - anything in resources is usually a PICT.


Moderator, EV Developer's Corner.
Roses are red
Violets are blue.
I'm schizophrenic
And so am I.

website: [www.jpw.op.nu

](http://www.jpw.op.nu "External link")

No no! I mean that I have only made ship graphics and landing picts. No coding, mission bits and programming stuff has been made yet. So from where I stand now is that all I need to do is most likely to re-render some landing pics and re-make others sice I have access to better software now.

I'm just asking about the approximate time period when EV3 will be released so I can put things on a schedule like writing all the missions and plotlines (in a Word Precessor not mission bits in the game itself) and have it all ready and wait for the release of EV3 then beg the help of programmers on this board.


Mazca, you are wrong. The landing pics will all be JPEGs to keep the file sizes down.


Originally posted by CelticStarbase:
Mazca, you are wrong. The landing pics will all be JPEGs to keep the file sizes down.

I have to disagree....

tear it down / AIM: G2uidehatr


Originally posted by Jude:
I want to start doing landing pics to be ready for the EV3 plug-in makers. From the samples on the Ambrosia upcoming page, it looks like I need to use Bryce with millions of colors, 612 x 285 pixels size and 72 ppi resolution. Is this right?
How should I save them: as picts, tiffs, jpegs?

Yeah I guess that size is right, but in case they change it, don't delete your scenes. I wouldn't worry about converting them to jpegs until you know for sure, but that would make sense, because at the highest quality it can cut file sizes dramatically.



Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**I have to disagree....

You do? Hmm, The last I heard they were larger sized and high quality jpegs in millions of colors...

AIM: Shade3742

<---- The information went data way ---->

"It's your asphalt."

(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)


Originally posted by Soviet mikee:
**I have to disagree....


If Ambrosia is doing a MacOS X native version, you're both probably wrong. If they were doing it for MacOS X, it'd be easiest to go with TIFFs or TGAs.



Originally posted by mburch:
**Converting an EVO plugin to work with EV3 will be a bit more involved than simply changing the type/creator codes...


Me's thinking (besides new graphic size etc..) this may be because of the hinted at new incredible mission resource?....

AIM: Shade3742

<---- The information went data way ---->

"It's your asphalt."

(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

Oh come on! Mac OS X?! They couldn't even BE doing EV3 if they were gonna do it for Mac OS X. The System doesn't get released until September. Plus, how many people are going to have MAC OS X RIGHT AWAY when it comes out? It'd be profitable to do it with regualar Os's




{hoarking sound is heard}

{hoarking sound is heard}

{Spit sound is heard}

NI! we are the knights of NI!
Cut down the mightiest tree in the forrest...
I will not!
Oh please!
Right! I'll do you for that!
You'll what?
Come here!
What are you going to do; bleed on me?!
I fart in your general direction!
{hoarking sound is heard}
I fart in your general direction!
I fart in your general direction!
{hoarking sound is heard}
I fart in your general direction!
None shall pass!
Oh please!


Wait a sec...If Ambrosia had access to DP4, they could easily be doing EV3 for OSX. But I'm betting that since EV3 isn't even in beta, by the time it comes out, OSX will be several months old, at least.

"The impossible is easy; it's the unfeasible that poses a problem."


Originally posted by Chrestomanci:
Wait a sec...If Ambrosia had access to DP4, they could easily be doing EV3 for OSX. But I'm betting that since EV3 isn't even in beta, by the time it comes out, OSX will be several months old, at least.

They do have access to OS X, they are developers, look for the OS X posts from a while ago, andrew commented on some of the features.

But, when has Ambrosia has always made games that are very compatible with everything. Cythera still runs on 68040's and Maelstrom still runs on G4's. EV3 probably won't use carbon, so it will have to run in classic mode, maybe they'll have a carbon version as well so we don't have to open up classic.


First, dude--you need to cut that sig down to manageable size. I appreciate the monty python bit and what not, but such a huge sig is really rude to everyone else, okay? Like 4-8 lines is the accepted range on usenet and most mailing lists.

And I didn't say that they would have to port to MacOS X exclusively, did I? No. 🙂


Originally posted by Fibblesnork:
Oh come on! Mac OS X?! They couldn't even BE doing EV3 if they were gonna do it for Mac OS X. The System doesn't get released until September. Plus, how many people are going to have MAC OS X RIGHT AWAY when it comes out? It'd be profitable to do it with regualar Os's


I think you're confusing Carbon and a MacOS X native program. iirc, isn't Carbon just the reduced set of APIs which will allow an app to run outside of the classic box under MacOS X? It's not code that's native to MacOS X, in other words.

Carbon apps can be run on OS 8.5 and 9. Actually, I think CarbonLib will work on 8.1? Don't quote me on that.

And I agree that it's very admirable of Ambrosia to keep such amazing legacy support... most ambrosia games will run on 10 year old hardware for gods sakes. that's awesome. but eventually they're going to have to shift into the PPC only mode, and then (eventually) into MacOS X support only. It's going to happen, it's just a matter of when. Personally I advocate sooner rather than later ...

And okay, anyone else remember BigCheeseKey? Andrew so started kicking ass back then.


Originally posted by Chamrin:
**They do have access to OS X, they are developers, look for the OS X posts from a while ago, andrew commented on some of the features.

But, when has Ambrosia has always made games that are very compatible with everything. Cythera still runs on 68040's and Maelstrom still runs on G4's. EV3 probably won't use carbon, so it will have to run in classic mode, maybe they'll have a carbon version as well so we don't have to open up classic.




Originally posted by foo12:
**If Ambrosia is doing a MacOS X native version, you're both probably wrong. If they were doing it for MacOS X, it'd be easiest to go with TIFFs or TGAs.

All I said was I 'disagreed'. Thus, if he is wrong, I am right. We couldn't both be wrong =p

tear it down - AIM: G2uidehatr - gwii@excite.com - Rip the System!