Need some help...

Hello... i just wonder how to warn the guards in berglum and in dernath... in berglum he tells me to leave because i am causing trouble or something and in dernath they got better things to do....



in berglum he tells me to leave because i am causing trouble or something

The Berglum garrison won't listen to you because your character is unknown in Berglum(would you believe some stranger that just rushed into town spouting tales of mythical proportions, and asking for you to send out the city's protection force to combat it?).
You need to find someone of importance to speak in your behalf and order the garrison
to send men. Perhaps Septembris knows of someone...


in dernath they got better things to do....

Dernath is busy defending against the cyclops. Take care of their problem and they
should have more time to send help. I'd suggest talking with the Mayor of Dernath first,
followed by the garrison commander. Then go solve their problem.

If you need more direct spoilers just ask, and we can provide you with a walkthrough.

Otherwise, good luck!

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.

ok.. thanks alot... but there is still a problem with dernath.. because i have already helped them with the cyclops... but they still dont wont to help...


are you sure you're talking to the right guard? forget about the one roaming around outside the city, try the captain who's inside the city.


🙂 that is, sorry for the yawn...



ok.. thanks alot... but there is still a problem with dernath.. because i have already helped them with the cyclops... but they still dont wont to help...

Did you speak with the guards who were guarding the barricade near the cyclops(the ones
who if you spoke to originally allowed you to pass in order to kill the cyclops)? If not,
after you speak to them after killing the cyclops, one runs back to Dernath to spread
the news of your efforts.

If so, have you spoken with the mayor of Dernath yet? If not, he will congratulate you
on your mission and "end your quest." Remember it was the mayor who sent you on the
quest, and the quest will only finish when he releases you from it. Talk to him, and
after he congratulates you go speak to the garrison guard(the one on the western edge
of the village, standing outside of the house with the pendants waving).

Good luck.

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.

are you sure you've killed all the cyclops? there are 10. youll know you killed em all when one of em drops a big iron key.

Our chief weapon is surprise. Surprise and fear. Our two weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency. Our THREE weapons are fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and an almost fanatical devotion to the pope. Four...wait. Amongst our weaponry are such hanus elements such as fear, surprise...I'll come in again.

I can't even get anyone to admit to the existence of "Dernath"! Not the learning tree. Not the map. Do how is it possible to warn the garrison of a non-existent town? I'm up to lever 23, and still no trace of Dernath. Septemris deeps harping on it. I made it to High Garendall and got the Standard and took it back to Septemris, and ho-hum, no result there either. So it's round and round we go in circles, frustration no end!



Originally posted by Flandarg:
**I can't even get anyone to admit to the existence of "Dernath"! Not the learning tree. Not the map. Do how is it possible to warn the garrison of a non-existent town? I'm up to lever 23, and still no trace of Dernath. Septemris deeps harping on it. I made it to High Garendall and got the Standard and took it back to Septemris, and ho-hum, no result there either. So it's round and round we go in circles, frustration no end!


north from Fantrima, go east before you cross the rope bridge, go east untill you hit the coast, now go south, there we go.

(url="http://"")Rogue Thoughts(/url)


Originally posted by ArcAngel Counterstrike:
**north from Fantrima, go east before you cross the rope bridge, go east untill you hit the coast, now go south, there we go.



i thought you had to warn all the garrisons in order to get the garendall standard quest. if you didnt warn dernath, how could you have gotten the quest?

Our chief weapon is surprise. Surprise and fear. Our two weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency. Our THREE weapons are fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and an almost fanatical devotion to the pope. Four...wait. Amongst our weaponry are such hanus elements such as fear, surprise...I'll come in again.

You can get into High Garendall without the symbol quest. I get the feeling that he
got the key and entered High Garendall and found the standard(which should be there
regardless of whether you have the quest or not). But he can not complete the quest
because he doesn't have the quest yet.

Once he warns the garrisons then Septembris will give him the mission to recover the standard. Since he already has it, it will be a real short quest. heh.

Surprise! You are the lucky winner of random I.R.S. Audit! Just type
in your name and social security number. Please remember that leaving
the room is punishable under law:
Name_______________________ SSN# --___


Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:
**You can get into High Garendall without the symbol quest. I get the feeling that he
got the key and entered High Garendall and found the standard(which should be there
regardless of whether you have the quest or not). But he can not complete the quest
because he doesn't have the quest yet.

Once he warns the garrisons then Septembris will give him the mission to recover the standard. Since he already has it, it will be a real short quest. heh.

Yeah, it was. And then after a few more moves, decided to see how hard it would be to get to the Guardian. Got in there, even got to the Guardian, then defeated him! So what now- Trinity ranger, perhaps?

