EVEdit advice needed

OK, this is not a developer question, I know, and I apologise for being off topic.
I have a problem with 1.0.2 and I cant get it solved on the players webboard.
However, I was advised to use EVEdit, and thats why Ive come along to you good people.
I promise I wont distract you all too much from your war efforts!
Im trying to do an azdgari mission where I have to get crystals off a ship in the twyus system.
Well Ive tried this countless times, and nothing is happening.
I was told to alter the mission using EVEdit. My question is ...how do I do that...Ive never used EVEdit before.
Please help me on this, because the only other advice is to reinstall the game, well since I didnt make a backup copy of it before I started playing, that means I will have to D/L it again, and Im not doing that!
If I D/L EVEdit, does it come with explanatory notes for the uninitiated?
Maybe the experience will help me to understand how you are all actually making these plugs...and I may even attempt something myself in time.
But for now, I need to finish this mission otherwise Im gonna put EVO away till 3 comes along.
Again, apologies for using up boardspace on this Off Topic issue, but if you help me, I will remember you in my will!


Well, I downloaded it and sorted out my problem.
Sorry to have taken up boardspace. I m going to try to lock this topic now.
Keep on Plugging!


dude, trash EV-Edit, unless all your doing is small expansions. if you plan to do anything big, get ResEdit.

your freindly drug addict

and Schelmat-V for missions. get the EVOBAE
