Something else for Newbies

For any of you who are boggled by net code here is a key:
IMHO:In my humble opinion
IMNSHO:In my not so humble opinion
BRB:Be right back
ASP:As soon as posible
BBS:Be back soon
AFK:Away from keyboard
BAK:Back at keyboard
BBIAF:Be back in a flash
BBL:Be Back later
BTW:By the way
GMTA:Great minds think alike
OM:Instant Message
J/K:Just Kidding
LTNS:Long time no see.
LOL:Laugh out loud
M4M:Mem Seeking Other men
NP:No Problem
ROTFL:Rolling on the floor laughing
RTFML:Read the fine manual
WB:Welcome back
WTG:Way to go!
:D:Smile or grin
🙂 or :-):Smile or grin
;):A wink

Aircad Member

Corrections and additions

It's ASAP, not ASP. ASAP is commonly used in real life.

It's RTFM, which actually means 'Read the f*cking manual'.

IM, not OM. Spellchecking is a GOOD thing.

BBIAB = Be back in a bit.

BBIAFM = Be back in a few minutes.

I'll add more later.

AIM: evandrewm / xaeomega

WTF-What the Fk, Why the Fk
HTF-How the F**k
EV3-EV Nova

Shoot the cat.
Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost

RTFM = Read the F***ing Manual
ATTAMB = ...... (you'll have to guess...)


Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam! Blam! Click! Click!

"...Cotton Mouse... to say that the plug is royally messed up is an understatement. I'm taking a look at it with Plug Checker, and some of these errors I have just never seen before..."-Obormot, debugger

ERA for EV:

(still in alpha stages)

I know all those but i decided not to include then becuase they are obscene.

Aircad Member

LMAO- Laughing My Ass Off
