Dernath Garrison

I think I see hte plains on the map, but I cannot find Dertnath Garrison so I can warn it..anyone?




Originally posted by SirThomas:
**I think I see hte plains on the map, but I cannot find Dertnath Garrison so I can warn it..anyone?



please dont make a new topic for every question. if you have already just asked a question in another topic, its quite easy to add on to that topic.

as for the question. I take it...your on the plains of endless wind from your last question? Dernath is on the east coast, on the opposite side of the moutains from fantrima....

(url="http://"")Rogue Thoughts(/url)

Thanks, I know sorry about the posts, forgot to add it.



I've gotten to Dernath but i can't seem to be able to warn the guards, lil help?


Dernath has enough trouble with the Cyclops raids, so why should they help you? They won't have enough soldiers to defend the town against Cyclops, and Dernath won't survive long. Maybe if they didn't have as much to worry about.

"it cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills, and empty holes it fills
It comes first and follows after, ends life, kills laughter"-Golum's riddle, the hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien

No, i've already beaten the cyclops (all 10 of em or how ever many there were). Then i talk to the guard out side the barracade and he says, "Congratulations, etc." Then imidaitly after he warns me about the cyclops and sends me on the quest again, just the cyclops are already beaten! Any pointers on what to do now?!?!?!?



Originally posted by El Gavino:
**No, i've already beaten the cyclops (all 10 of em or how ever many there were). Then i talk to the guard out side the barracade and he says, "Congratulations, etc." Then imidaitly after he warns me about the cyclops and sends me on the quest again, just the cyclops are already beaten! Any pointers on what to do now?!?!?!?


have you talked to the general you saved from the swamp again? hes infront of a tent near the knight house.

(url="http://"")Rogue Thoughts(/url)

Yes, i have. The general, the learning tree guy, etc keep telling me they're too buisy and to go warn the guards! Also, where do you find the Order of Crystal (Dragon tooth quest)?


Scratch that last one, which smithy do i talk to?



Yes, i have. The general, the learning tree guy, etc keep telling me they're too buisy and to go warn the guards!

If you are still trying to complete this quest, make sure you talk to all of the
following people:

  • The guards watching the cyclops border(the ones around the firepit) - After you kill
    the cyclops the guards will thank you and send one of them to Dernath to spread word of
    your deeds.

  • The mayor of dernath - He sent you on this quest and he is the only one who can
    officially complete it. Talk with him and he will thank you, give you something, and
    wish you well. This will also allow the garrison commander happy.

  • The garrison commander - This is the guy on the far west side of Dernath, in the
    courtyard of the house that is flying the red banners. Talk to him after speaking to
    the above 2, and after speaking with Decimus(the general you rescued from the swamp who
    after speaking to him will have told you to go to the garrisons and speak in his name)
    the commander will agree to send some men to Septembris.

Hopefully this will end your dernath mission set.


Scratch that last one, which smithy do i talk to?

I assume you are asking about the Milla'kara shield, and whom to speak to regarding it?
There are only 3 smithys in Garendall: one in Berglum, one in Fantrima, and I guess
you could call the old dwarf a smithy. (BTW, a smithy is where a blacksmith works) So
head to the 2 towns and talk to 'em. 🙂

Good luck.

Lolly lolly lolly get your adverbs here.