Need 3D graphics Editor!

I need a 3D graphics editor for Res-Edit to make my plug. What 3D graphics editor do you people use? Where can I get it?

I think that the most popular choice is Infini-d. It's what Ambrosia used to create the original graphics, and you can download the EV:O 3D models for Infini-d on the addons page.

The only downside is that it isn't cheap, I think it costs about 500 bucks, but I'm not too sure, it could be cheaper.

Learn to understand, and there will be nothing to know.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did that break your concentration?
I didn't mean to do that.
Please, continue.
I believe you were saying something about "best intentions."
-Jules. Pulp Fiction

"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."
- Dan Quayle

"You guys line up alphabetically by height."
- Bill Peterson, Florida State football coach

Man walks into a finish it

"He must have made that before he died."
- Yogi Berra (on seeing a Steve McQueen movie)


Originally posted by the Necromicon:
**I think that the most popular choice is Infini-d. It's what Ambrosia used to create the original graphics, and you can download the EV:O 3D models for Infini-d on the addons page.

The only downside is that it isn't cheap, I think it costs about 500 bucks, but I'm not too sure, it could be cheaper.


For Res-Edit it says you need a a 3D graphics Editor to do weapons, planets and outfits. Im not to sure what it really is. Do you know now?


If you want to go the free way for 3D modellers, this is what you need to do:

Go to the EV Addons page, click on utilities (I think)

look for a program called "Mechanisto 2.0". Download it.

Look for the Mechanisto Helper, then download it.

I am working on another Mechanisto helper application that will go in more depth for EV graphics then any I have seen so far...If you need help learning the program, just mail me and I will se what I can do 🙂

Oh, here's my email:


Kraig Hill
"It's better to burn out then to be forgotten" - Neil Young

If you want some serious 3D power, try Strata 3D.
At (url="http://"")

It's free, and has some pretty powerful capabilities.

Sundered Angel ,
The One and Only

Ares Webboard Moderator, and all-around Nice Guy

Just go d/l Mechanisto...from EV addons. I am the Mechanisto Master and IMO, it's excellent! PEACE YO!


"Quoted the Kwanza Man...nevermore"

Mechanisto isn't under (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...evo/addons.html(/url)

Even under the utilities section. Does anyone know where I can get some of the cool programs mentioned? (shmelta_V, Mechanisto, etc)? Right now all I have are the guides+resedit :frown:

To each his own,


Originally posted by U-99:
**Mechanisto isn't underhttp://www.AmbrosiaS...evo/addons.html

Even under the utilities section. Does anyone know where I can get some of the cool programs mentioned? (shmelta_V, Mechanisto, etc)? Right now all I have are the guides+resedit :frown:


Check EV Addons


"Quoted the Kwanza Man...nevermore"

Kwanzasoft Graphics