Using Res-Edit, Can't make ship show up!

I made a new ship using Res-Edit but it will not show up in the shipyard. I do not know what I did wrong or did not do.

My tech level of the ship is 9995. I made a new planet that has a shipyard and the tech level is 5 with a special tech level of 10000.

The missionbit is at 0. Should it be at -1 or something else so the ship can show up?

Im sure I did the descriptions, the three STR resources and the graphics right. But even without these shouldn't the ship show up in the shipyard anyway with no pictures and descriptions?

What did I do wrong or did not do at all?

For special Tech levels, the planet must have the EXACT sp. tech level of the tech. It doesn't matter if it's higher, lower, or slightly to the right, it must be exact. 😉

Dan! The food's gone!


Originally posted by joekap:
**I made a new ship using Res-Edit but it will not show up in the shipyard....
My tech level of the ship is 9995. I made a new planet that has a shipyard and the tech level is 5 with a special tech level of 10000.

The missionbit is at 0. Should it be at -1 or something else so the ship can show up?...

As Thursday said, the special tech number of the planet and the ship must be exactly the same. Also the mission bit of the ship should be -1 unless you want it to be available only after mission bit 0 has been set by a mission.

Joe Burnette

"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

I thought it was that missionbit thing. Also, the tech thing too. Thanx.