About making add-on plug's

About making add-on plug's, i am currently working on a addon, and almost all of the ships and weapons are done. Then the big question comes. For an addon, do you start with a blank plugh with all of the TMPL resources installed, or do you add all of the games ships and everything? Because, it says in the EVOBAE that the ship with the ID number of 128 is the ship that you start out with.
And when (in resedit) make a ship for the addon and its the same number as, say, the UE fighter, does the UE fighter get replaced with the new ship? Please reply

Admiral Zombat

"What does not kill me, only makes me stronger."
-Some person

If you add a graphics rsrc with say the UE fighter rsrc number the UE fighter graphics will be replaced by the new graphics.

Make a new grahpic with a rsrc number that isn't in the EV/O titles OR EV/O graphics and it will be anew ship.

Wham!Man - The original and still the best

Thanks, I'll try that, but do you mean having to have all of the graphics (Spďn, haďl, oütf, and ďcon) be a new number? Like say, UE fighter's #'s=126 newship #'s 157? so what I am saying is that all of the graphics for the ship or just the Spďn graphics?

If you can understand that, please anwser.

Admiral Zombat

"What does not kill me, only makes me stronger."
-Some person


Originally posted by Admiral Zombat:
**Thanks, I'll try that, but do you mean having to have all of the graphics (Spďn, haďl, oütf, and ďcon) be a new number? Like say, UE fighter's #'s=126 newship #'s 157? so what I am saying is that all of the graphics for the ship or just the Spďn graphics?

EXAMPLE: Your Plugin | EV/O

ship ID# 128 | ship ID# 128

In this example your ship would be used in the game instead of the ship in EV/O, because they both have the same ID# and when there is a redundant ID# the number in EV/O is overlooked. This is true for all resources, not just ships.

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thank you so much, but if anyone has any more info, please post!

Admiral Zombat

"What does not kill me, only makes me stronger."
-Some person

If you're making an addon and you want to have something stay the same, just leave those id#'s blank.


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(This message has been edited by ShadeOfBlue (edited 06-21-2000).)


Originally posted by ShadeOfBlue:
**If you're making an addon and you want to have something stay the same, just leave those id#'s blank.


DO NOT leave the IDs fields blank! If you want something to stay the same in the game simply do not include it's ID in your plugin. If you place that items ID in your plugin, and leave the fields blank, that item will not appear in the game.

P.S. Not to attack you Shade, but simply to clarify what you said, as it could easily be misconstrued.

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Originally posted by Jol'Jvik:
**DO NOT leave the IDs fields blank! If you want something to stay the same in the game simply do not include it's ID in your plugin. If you place that items ID in your plugin, and leave the fields blank, that item will not appear in the game.

P.S. Not to attack you Shade, but simply to clarify what you said, as it could easily be misconstrued.

Yeah, I meant it as don't put anything in those id spots (as in you shouldn't see them listed in your plug), but I guess he might have thought of it that way, so... :rolleyes:


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