Editors for EVO 1.0.2

Is anyone going to make an editor that will include all of the features in 1.0.2? I'm pretty sure somone is, I've just been out of touch for a while. So I guess my real question is, when will such an editor be released?

Also I would like to know if anyone would like to help with a new TC plugin.

"I was under the influence of medication when I made the decision to burn the tapes."

Richard Nixon

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I hope you don't plan on using an 'editor' if you are planning on makin a TC..



Originally posted by Jol'Jvik:
**Is anyone going to make an editor that will include all of the features in 1.0.2?...

Well there are ResEdit and Resorceror.

Joe Burnette

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I might be interested in making an EVO 1.0.2 editor. Where can I get information on the EVO file structures?


"Where the Hell's my roof?"



Originally posted by Iron Eagle:
**I hope you don't plan on using an 'editor' if you are planning on makin a TC..

I currently don't use any editors. But if someone made a new (bugless) editor, that was 1.0.2 compatible, it would make my development go a lot faster. At least to catch the plug up to the point it was before 1.0.2 came out. There is also nothing wrong (in my opinion) with using an editor on a TC, if it is bugless that is. I won't use EV-Edit, because it has a lot of bugs. A new, well done, editor wouldn't.

"I was under the influence of medication when I made the decision to burn the tapes."

Richard Nixon

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Originally posted by Tycho:
**I might be interested in making an EVO 1.0.2 editor. Where can I get information on the EVO file structures?


"Where the Hell's my roof?"

A far as I know you wouldn't have to make the editor affect the EV/O files directly. You could make it alter the resources resedit uses. In other words just make it use the templates to alter the information in EV/O, put them in a new file, and save the file with the correct file type and creator type. At least that should work.

"I was under the influence of medication when I made the decision to burn the tapes."

Richard Nixon

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Schmelta V is virtually bugless. I can't see why someone wouldn't use that on a TC.

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Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/octoberfost/chatroom.html")Unoffical EV/O Chatroom(/url)

Theoretically, ATMOS's misnedit should have the new features of 1.0.2. Just a guess, though.

"His Strangelove All-Purpose Do-It-Yourself Defensive First Second or Third Strike Indestructible Fantastic State-of-the-Art B-Ware Offensive Attack Bomber can't compare with our M & M E & A Sub-Supersonic Invisible and Noiseless Defensive Second-Strike Offensive Attack Bomber."
- from Closing Time , by Joseph Heller.


Originally posted by OctoberFost:
**Schmelta V is virtually bugless. I can't see why someone wouldn't use that on a TC.

Actually, it's almost stupid NOT to use schmelta and then add the post EV 1.0.5 features by hand in resedit.

Also, Pontus' EV Developer's Map is totally indespensible. The EVO version even more so.


"Now, Mr. Mirnas... start at the beginning."

-The Interrogator

I wouldn't need to affect the EVO files but I would need to know how to make an EVO file. The sounds are easy. They're just a list of sounds in a resource. Pistures are easy too. Basically the same. What I would need to know is how do I write the missions/ship data/outfit data/governmentdata/map data so that EVO can read them?

Anyone know?



I realy want to make an EV/EVO editor: I have the skills and knowledge, but I don't have 300 plus bucks to spend on a compiler.

I could hack some source code I have and compile it useing the Codewarrior demo I have, but that's kinda cheep.

"I don't get involved in politics. My IQ is too high."


You could always get a pirate copy of a compiler off hotline or carracho......

Well you could use Mac Programmer's Workshop (MPW) it's free and it's from Apple!
๐Ÿ™‚ plz! i need a good EV/O editor!


Okay shure its been a while since ive played or developed anything for the EVO comunity, but cant the bugs in EEEVO jus be worked out, they source code has been realesed, and why doesnt it work for 1.0.5? Is it just that the new fetures havnt been mplimented, or is it that the plugs dont interact the same or what? There can't have been that much of a change in the main code. And why not use a combination of ResEdit Lite and EEEVO, then any bugs in EEEVO and implement fetures in ResEdit Lite? ๐Ÿ˜•

"The Mac rulz, Ambrosia is loyal to the Mac, therefore Ambosia must rule!"

(This message has been edited by fsterman (edited 06-14-2000).)


Originally posted by Tycho:
I wouldn't need to affect the EVO files but I would need to know how to make an EVO file. The sounds are easy. They're just a list of sounds in a resource. Pistures are easy too. Basically the same. What I would need to know is how do I write the missions/ship data/outfit data/governmentdata/map data so that EVO can read them?

The templates tell you all you need to know. For example, a 'DWRD' field in the template is equivalent to a 16 bit integer. If you have an imaginary template called "UFO" and it looks like this: "Type", 'DWRD', "Radius", 'DWRD', "Color", 'DWRD', you just write three 16-bit integers. You can then later read them in as 16-bit integers, and EV/EVO will read them correctly, too. Different template fields (DWRD, PSTR, etc) basicaly equate to different bit lengths.




Originally posted by Skyhawk:
**The templates tell you all you need to know. For example, a 'DWRD' field in the template is equivalent to a 16 bit integer. If you have an imaginary template called "UFO" and it looks like this: "Type", 'DWRD', "Radius", 'DWRD', "Color", 'DWRD', you just write three 16-bit integers. You can then later read them in as 16-bit integers, and EV/EVO will read them correctly, too. Different template fields (DWRD, PSTR, etc) basicaly equate to different bit lengths.



I don't know that much about coding, and stuff, but, since ResEdit's defult editor is the hexidecimal editor, that an EVO editor would access the data forks in hexidecimal format. Keep in mind that everything below is an (educated) guess.
For each DWRD field in the ResEdit template, there is a four digit hex word. These can go as high as FFFF (which is the hexidecimal) equivilant of 65535). However, ResEdit and EVO, for all practical purposes, only choose to go up to 7FFF (or 32767). Numbers higher than 7FFF are negative (ie, 8000 is -32767, 8001 is negative 32766, and so on, until you get to FFFF being -1). The RECT fields are, for all practical purposes, just four DWRD fields strung together. Your editor could just access the hexidecimal code in parts of four. Four hexidecimal digits make up a field. If the code is 000F 41AB 375A 09D1, that could be fields with values of 15, 16811, and 2513. Um, yeah, that was pointless.

Zacha K
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Originally posted by Zacha K:
I don't know that much about coding, and stuff, but, since ResEdit's defult editor is the hexidecimal editor, that an EVO editor would access the data forks in hexidecimal format. Keep in mind that everything below is an (educated) guess.

All computer data is a string of 0's and 1's. Resedit displays these 0's and 1's as hex words, but if you read "1111" as 'F' or as '15', it is still the same thing. Because 'Max Speed: FA9B3C' is more or less useless, even though it does represent a number, EV/O reads the data as base-10 integers.


For each DWRD field in the ResEdit template, there is a four digit hex word. These can go as high as FFFF (which is the hexidecimal) equivilant of 65535). However, ResEdit and EVO, for all practical purposes, only choose to go up to 7FFF (or 32767). Numbers higher than 7FFF are negative (ie, 8000 is -32767, 8001 is negative 32766, and so on, until you get to FFFF being -1).

Yes, your observations are quite estute. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Each digit in hex is made up of four bits. (4 bits) * (4 digits) = 16 bit hex words. As I said before, they can be read as hex words or as integers. Resedit displays them as hex words, but EV/O uses them as base-10 integers.

The bit about the negative numbers deals with Signed (with a + or - sign in front) or Unsigned (always positive) integers. To have a negative number in base-2, you use the first digit as the sign. Signed numbers range from -32767 to 32767, while unsigned numbers range from 0 to 65535. Resedit displays DWRDs as signed numbers, so if you type in a number greater than 32767, it will read it as though it was signed, and the number will be negative when you re-open the resource.

EV/O may be allowing numbers greater than 32767 in some places, but Resedit won't display them as such. Then again, MCB might have just kept everythign signed. ๐Ÿ˜‰


The RECT fields are, for all practical purposes, just four DWRD fields strung together. Your editor could just access the hexidecimal code in parts of four. Four hexidecimal digits make up a field. If the code is 000F 41AB 375A 09D1, that could be fields with values of 15, 16811, and 2513. Um, yeah, that was pointless.

Right. But you can write code that just writes '15' to the resource, you don't need to fool around with the 000F bit. The bottom line is you're writing "0000000000001111", and as long as you don't drop any zeroes, you're welcome to run around screaming "I have 0x000A fingers!"

-Skyhawk (Look how short my sig is!)


Just do it in C with codewarrior lite compiler. Or as johnathan said (the big nosed bฤบstard ;)) get a hacked copy off hotline or carracho or soem internet warez site.

Wham!Man - The original and still the best

I'm trying to do my entire TC plug-in with just Res-Edit, apart from the graphics, the only thing I use EV-Edit for is to work out where I want my systems.

G4, the faster computer.


Originally posted by Sean2000:
**I'm trying to do my entire TC plug-in with just Res-Edit, apart from the graphics, the only thing I use EV-Edit for is to work out where I want my systems.

Try developers map.

"I was under the influence of medication when I made the decision to burn the tapes."

Richard Nixon

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