EV3 marketing

The only thing I am worried about is if they don't do shareware.

One of the things that kept me from buying ferazel was that I would have to order and wait a long time for it. I much prefer e-mail the company for a reg-code after giving them my credit card #. It's just so much simpler and faster.

If EV3 is commercial, it better be really damn good (better than ferzel) if i'll buy it...

ERA for EV:


Originally posted by Cotton Mouse:
**The only thing I am worried about is if they don't do shareware.

One of the things that kept me from buying ferazel was that I would have to order and wait a long time for it. I much prefer e-mail the company for a reg-code after giving them my credit card #. It's just so much simpler and faster.

If EV3 is commercial, it better be really damn good (better than ferzel) if i'll buy it...


I don't think that Ambrosia would make EV3 commercial. If they do I don't think that they would only make it available through CD like ferzel, cause EV3 would probably not be that big or complicated so that developer's could work with it. It will of course probably be also put on a CD like the Mars Rising/EVO CD(except it could be EV/EVO/EV3) but like I said they probably will still have email for a registeration option.

(This message has been edited by J.Ace21 (edited 05-31-2000).)


Originally posted by Cotton Mouse:
One of the things that kept me from buying ferazel was that I would have to order and wait a long time for it. I much prefer e-mail the company for a reg-code after giving them my credit card #. It's just so much simpler and faster.

Ever thought that if Ferazel's Wand was a download they'd be insane? It's a goddamn 90 meg file. Who, in their right minds, would download THAT?

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM

Who's General Failure and why's he reading my disk?


Originally posted by Andrew M:
**Ever thought that if Ferazel's Wand was a download they'd be insane? It's a goddamn 90 meg file. Who, in their right minds, would download THAT?


Well if you had a DSL or Cable it wouldn't take that long. And I used to have a T3 connection so I never worried abou that kinda thing but now.. I'm stuck with a 56k modem. downloading 90megs would be insane with a modem. but that's kinda my point. EV just isn't THAT big. Hey I downloaded Strata 3.

[ J_Ace21@hotmail.com ](mailto: J_Ace21@hotmail.com "E-mail Link")

You're forgetting to take into consideration what Andrew mentioned in the post that spurred this whole conversation. Two things he mentioned were 16-bit graphics and movies.

If two things blow up a game's size REALLY WELL, it's 16 bit graphics and movies 🙂


I forgot to dither the graphics for my freighter - 900K for the pict file.

I can see plugins of FH/FF caliber being maybe 15-20 megs.

However, keep in mind this thing is not likly to be out for a year or so. High speed connections will be more common then.


Enginners can actually hear machines talk to them. The rattle in the car's engine teases softly, "I'll bet you can't find me." The computer hums an approving tune when the enginner writes an expecially briliant peice of computer code. The toaster says "Not yet, not yet, not yet." untill the toast pops out. An enginner who is surrounded by machines is never lonly and never judged by apperance. These are friends.

The only reason Ferazel was put on a CD was because it was too big to download for us poor folks with crappy dial-up connections (some people still use 28.8 modems, y'know). Andrew also wanted to test the waters for this sort of thing. Supposing EV3 is a Nova-sort of thing; 40 megs or so, perhaps larger, it's safe to say it will be likely shipped on CD in some form.

I suppose I am priveleged in some way, then. I live in New York State, just a few hundred miles south of Ambrosia headquarters in Rochester. US mail doesn't take too long to reach me.

"His Strangelove All-Purpose Do-It-Yourself Defensive First Second or Third Strike Indestructible Fantastic State-of-the-Art B-Ware Offensive Attack Bomber can't compare with our M & M E & A Sub-Supersonic Invisible and Noiseless Defensive Second-Strike Offensive Attack Bomber."
- from Closing Time , by Joseph Heller.

You think 90 megs is a lot? I once downloaded 500 megs worth of LinuxPPC on a 28.8 modem! It took about 2 months (including the disconnects every once in a while)

From Left Hand Phoenix of the AWL
Halo, Homeworld, and Diablo II.

Downloads wouldn't be a concern if you used Hotline. Resumable downloads make those huge file transfers easy. and if your complaining about 90 megs..forget about ever even thinking about Distant Shadows.

Midgar Productions (url="http://"http://www.midgar.com")www.midgar.com(/url)


Unfortunately, the only HL server that has plugins is Starlight. My connection to Starlight sucks - sometimes less than 1K a second. I really don't feel like waiting 3 weeks to download EV3 500K at a sitting. CDs are fine for me.

"His Strangelove All-Purpose Do-It-Yourself Defensive First Second or Third Strike Indestructible Fantastic State-of-the-Art B-Ware Offensive Attack Bomber can't compare with our M & M E & A Sub-Supersonic Invisible and Noiseless Defensive Second-Strike Offensive Attack Bomber."
- from Closing Time , by Joseph Heller.

I pull 5 to 7 k/sec on my 33.6 off of Starlight..


I've noticed something that has been neglected throughout this whole conversation: In the one (that I've noticed) piece of proof that there will be an EV3, Welch does state that Ambrosia is more dedicated to electronic means of distribution and will remain so since it seems that more people will get higher speed connections in the future. At this point Ferazel was too large for the average user on a 33.6 or 56K modem.

Ambrosia will probably do an electronic distribution of EV3, but may also put it on a CD, either as an EV Trilogy or with Deimos Rising since EVO was with Mars Rising.

And don't forget other places of distribution. EVO, Mars Rising, Harry, and some other Ambrosia games were on MacAddict's top shareware CD a few months ago.

All in all, Ambrosia is mainly dedicated to electronic distribution, and that's that right now.

One cannot walk down an avenue, converse with a friend, enter a building, browse beneath the sandstone arches of old towns without meeting with an instrument of time.

Time is visible in all places.

Clock towers, wristwatches, church bells divide years into months, months into days, days into hours, hours into seconds, each increment of time marching after the other in perfect succession. And beyond any particular clock, a vast scaffold of time, stretching across the universe, lays down the law of time equally for all.

In this world, a second is a second is a second.

Time moves forward with unwavering regularity.

Time is an infinite ruler.

Time is absolute.

The thing that I am wondering about here is whether or not the unregistered version of EV3 will be limited - Ambrosias last few products (Ares, Ferazel) have been crippleware until registered. EV/O in their present incarnations anyway, would be very hard to limit .


Moderator, EV Developer's Corner.
Roses are red
Violets are blue.
I'm schizophrenic
And so am I.

website: [www.jpw.op.nu

](http://www.jpw.op.nu "External link")

They might do what they've just done with EV and EV0. Have them as seperate downloads of about 1-2 megs each. Sure they'd be about ten of them, but it would be worth it. Just the thought of EV 3 makes me quiver with excitement.

"...but I was very, very drunk at the time..." - Someone, somewhere.

"You guys line up alphabetically by height." - Bill Peterson, Florida State football coach