New AI

I was wondering if anyone ran into the same "problems" I've been having with the AI - it's not difficult enough. I'm flying an Arada with a speed enhancement and an afterburner (in fc2 - it should be even better in fc3), and I can take out just about anything. It is true that fighters in swarms can kill me, although I can usually counter that by running as far as possible before they start catching up - then using the afterburner as necessary. The most disappointing thing is that the Monty Python Maneuver still works. I take out various slower ships with it, from the Voinian Dreadnought to the Turncoat with it - and it really isn't too hard at all.

Is it just me? People have been saying that the new AI is very challenging, and while I feel that it is more so, it still isn't quite up to my expectations. I was expecting the AI to avoid getting stuck in the MPM.

Maybe I should be satisfied with the challenging fighters.

Mike Lee (Firebird)

Maybe it's your comat rating. I've heard the AI gets better the better CR you've got.

Well they aren't smarter, but when you get a high enough combat rating most of the ships use afterburners.

Sir! Our shields are dropping!
They're firing! _ says the lieutenant as a torpedo appears on the view screen.
Well, it seams you won't have the last laugh today Therg. Says Captain Fullers voice over the speakers.
The torpedo strikes the ship removing it from the sky in a violent explosion.

Yeah, attack some Voinian Cruisers and wipe them out. That'll somewhat improve the AI.

Also, keep in mind Mike, that you're a fairly old and skilled EV/O player.


Enginners can actually hear machines talk to them. The rattle in the car's engine teases softly, "I'll bet you can't find me." The computer hums an approving tune when the enginner writes an expecially briliant peice of computer code. The toaster says "Not yet, not yet, not yet." untill the toast pops out. An enginner who is surrounded by machines is never lonly and never judged by apperance. These are friends.