EV Override 1.0.2 semi-public beta


Originally posted by Jericon:
**Voinian Raid outpost alpha mision is impossible with new combat AI.

That's a good thing, not a bad thing = )


I did it in a scoutship without an afterburner before matt attached the AI to the players combat rating. Mind you, it took me about 20 attempts.

My advice - get an afterburner and run away real fast, it should work about half the time...



Originally posted by Frandall:
**I did it in a scoutship without an afterburner before matt attached the AI to the players combat rating. Mind you, it took me about 20 attempts.

My advice - get an afterburner and run away real fast, it should work about half the time...

Wow, these new AIs are very well programmed! It adds new challenge to EVO. Great job mburch. Oh, btw, you might want to consider an option to disable the advanced AIs...some missions in certain plugins that were nearly impossible before (Frozen Heart of example) ARE impossible, or atleast require the reflexes of a computer.

"Do or do not. There is no try."


Originally posted by Dave Lesovoy:
**Wow, these new AIs are very well programmed! It adds new challenge to EVO. Great job mburch. Oh, btw, you might want to consider an option to disable the advanced AIs...some missions in certain plugins that were nearly impossible before (Frozen Heart of example) ARE impossible, or atleast require the reflexes of a computer.

Actually, I think that this is a problem for the creators of the plugins to fix. In reality if you are going to take on a carrier group, or any large concentration of ships, unless you are enormously skilful, you will get tromped on. If a mission is too hard in the eyes of the plugin maker, then he/she should fix it.


ATTN Matt Burch, regarding the speed issue.....

I believe that in previous versions, the player ships could outrun the AI ships of the same type. In 1.0.2, the AI can easily outrun the player. If its possible, the 2 should be made equal.

Perhaps you've done this already, but just making sure.

BTW, how come people are complaining about the new AI making things difficult? I LIKE the idea of an extra challenge, before it was too easy. I'd rather have something be a bit too difficult than a bit too easy. After all, it tests what your real combat skills really are. 🙂


If you have more than one jump programmed into your map, and you hold down the JUMP key, and you have CAPS LOCK on, sometimes you can do a double jump without the turning around, warming up, and the slow jump into hyperspace. You just jump into the system with a little flash, and a half-second later there's another flash and you're in the new system. That's if I hold the JUMP key down. It doesn't work all of the time, only about 1/5 of the time.

Yes, I've mailed that in.

Zacha K
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Originally posted by mburch:
**That's actually an intentional thing. It's done on purpose so the escorts & fighters can have an easier time of staying in formation. Think of it as tractor beams of something...


:::roll eyes::: OK then -- I'll believe you 😄


A couple of things:

Regarding the increased level of difficulty, lethality of small fighters, etc., there really isn't much that I can easily do. It would be easier to make an entire new scenario over, adding in ships and balancing them against each other as they arrive, than to retro-actively 'fix' Override to work well with the new AI and other engine changes. I've implemented some new features and made a few minor changes, but to re-balance the scenario would take me a few months. If anyone else has time to do it - that's what plug-ins are for 🙂

Also, fuel draining outfits are coming out (though as far as I could find, as long as you had 2 scoops, the drain rate of even maxed out shield mods was barely noticeable but never mind).


PS. Obormot: Sorry about not getting the point on that misspelling - you kept going on about agreement, but it did agree! Unfortunately I had the basic form of the adjective wrong :frown: - I thought it was drugii like sinii, when it was drugoi, like bol'shoi. I can't have had to use the nominative singular form for years, and it's the only place you notice the difference.

Ja sam ovde samo zbog piva


Originally posted by Peter Cartwright:
**PS. Obormot: Sorry about not getting the point on that misspelling - you kept going on about agreement, but it did agree! Unfortunately I had the basic form of the adjective wrong:frown: - I thought it was drugii like sinii, when it was drugoi, like bol'shoi. I can't have had to use the nominative singular form for years, and it's the only place you notice the difference.


Oh, for Bob's sake... I never even thought of that. But my, is that a sucky transliteration system! Usually that maps to *iy, not *ii. It confused me.

God. Root. What is difference?

AIM: obormot345