Order of Outifts/Weapons

What order do you think outfits and weapons should be in, like laser, unguided gun projectiles first? then all turrets? Then beams or what? And what order do you stick the other outfits like reducing the number of days to make a jump, and interference reducers. I know outfits that you can't buy and can only get in missions should go at the end. And laser cannons first. But what about all of them in between.

Then comes the order of the weapons, this order can be totally different from the outfit order. But you must keep this in mind, the AI fires the weapons at the beginning more often the weapons at the end. Also, how does the player want the weapons ordered? For all those second trigger weapons, I don't think they want a bunch of beams all right next to each other especially if they do close to the same thing as the other ones.

So any suggestions would be helpful.
