Stupid Plugin Dev Errors

Heh. I misread the bible, and had the Outfit ModType 4 mentally registered as "ammo". Needless to say, my ships didn't fire secondary weapons.. However, for some reason, buying 100 missiles would make my ship invincable..



Enginners can actually hear machines talk to them. The rattle in the car's engine teases softly, "I'll bet you can't find me." The computer hums an approving tune when the enginner writes an expecially briliant peice of computer code. The toaster says "Not yet, not yet, not yet." untill the toast pops out. An enginner who is surrounded by machines is never lonly and never judged by apperance. These are friends.

outfit type 4 is shield capacity, and if your putting in something like 150 in for the mod value, your essentially adding 150 to your shield for each missle you buy so you get an extra 15,000 shields. You cheater 🙂
