Star Wars lisencing issues, and much more...

OK, here's my problem(s);
I'm making an EV plug-in that adds Star Wars elements to the game (not a total conversion; there is a story behind it, but I'm too lazy to post it right now). This brings up a whole lot of problems!
1. I can't draw-thus, I am currently using graphics from Star Wars: A New Alliance in my plug-in. I woud contact the authors (Mark Melaccio, Ian Beach) to ask their permissoin for use in a released version, but the e-mail addresses they gave in the read me don't work!
2. There are ships I want to put in that haven't been drawn in SW: ANA (Chu'unthor, Sith Infiltrator, some sort of lightsaber cruiser), but as you remember, I can't draw. I need someone to help me with these.
3. Lisencing issues with Lucasfilm, Ltd. THEY DON'T POST AN E-MAIL ADDRESS!!!!! Do I really need to ask their permission before releasing the plug-in?
4. I have a severe lack of testers (currently, I have one tester). Anyone up for it?
5. MOST of the graphics are from SW: ANA. The Death Star sprites are from Kris Hauser's Star Wars Special Edition plug-in. I e-mailed him about it a few weeks ago, and he isn't responding.

Well, that's all I could readily think of. Can anyone offer any help?

Whoops, I spelled "licensing" wrong in the title. Please forgive me.

"The only thing we have to fear is Disney being bought by Bill Gates"

(This message has been edited by ConfusedGuy (edited 05-01-2000).)


ConfusedGuy Wrote:
1. I can't draw-thus, I am currently using graphics from Star Wars: A New Alliance in my plug-in. I woud contact the authors (Mark Melaccio, Ian Beach) to ask their permissoin for use in a released version, but the e-mail addresses they gave in the read me don't work!

Hmmm.. SW: A New Alliance, i don't think i've played that, where can i download it?


ConfusedGuy Wrote:
3. Lisencing issues with Lucasfilm, Ltd. THEY DON'T POST AN E-MAIL ADDRESS!!!!! Do I really need to ask their permission before releasing the plug-in?

i don't think they'd really care.


ConfusedGuy Wrote:
4. I have a severe lack of testers (currently, I have one tester). Anyone up for it?

will, i got nothing else to do till July 18th! 😄


ConfusedGuy Wrote:
5. MOST of the graphics are from SW: ANA. The Death Star sprites are from Kris Hauser's Star Wars Special Edition plug-in. I e-mailed him about it a few weeks ago, and he isn't responding.

Try e-mailing him again... and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, untill he responds.



Originally posted by Mordon:
**4. I have a severe lack of testers (currently, I have one tester). Anyone up for it?

I'm into StarWars and EV and I have nothing else to do...

my email address is : (url="http://"")

I'm involved in a Star wars Total Conversion project and have had similar problems.
I've tried repeatedly to get in contact with the Creators of the SW-ANA about finding a mesh for the Quasar fire frigate which is included in the SW-ANA special ship pack.I have failed none of there E-mail addresses respond and They are no longer registered on the server which used to host there Webpage,E-mail.

I have been in contact with Kris Hauser in the past about completion of SW3 and also about using some of his sprites his sprites in this Total Conversion plug. He no longer has any interest in Star Wars EV or anything to do with EV so don't repeatedly send him E-mails or the only response your likely to get is an angry one.

I really wouldn't bother about licensing for a none profit plug. Or with using the SW-ANA graphics for anything.

The plug I am currently involved in Includes all the Ships seen anywhere in the well as many of those from SW2 there are also many newly rendered ships such as the Lancer frigate,slave2,Correllian Gunship, Misthunter,YT-2000(Otana),Cloakshape fighter,Starlight intruder,Punishing one and the Bespin Bandit

The plug involves a massive new galaxy which is still under construction and A concept of using mission plugs containing unique plot spcific ships etc with a galaxy base to allow for all era's of the star wars universe.

The Star Wars Modelling alliance is a good place to go for Star wars Meshes the site is down at the moment but there are mirrors availiable.
If your are seriously interested in writing a mission pack for the plug then contact me.

'Stormbringer!' he cried and then the
hellsword struck his chest.
He felt the icy touch of the blade against his heart,
felt his body constrict,
felt it sucking his soul from the very depths
of his being,felt his whole personality being drawn into the

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