Using ship spďns for spöb picts!

I dont know if this has been mentioned before, but you can use ship spins for spobs! as far as i can tell, it works like this: if you assign a spob to have a type of something higher than the spďns reserved for planets, it starts using each of the ship spins (so each ship will have 36 pictures the spob can use), i think starting at the shuttlecraft (id 128)

for example, if you type 1595 in the spob type field, it will give you the fourth or fifth (somewhere around there!) rotation of the ship id 170! i imagine this is a little confusing, so try it and see!

not too useful maybe? well its late at night and im getting tired, but it seems you could bypass the annoying limit of 64 spobs by sacrificing a ship spin for 36 more spob picts. make a tile of 36 different planets, and it might work. ill have to try that sometime, especially if i make another plug!

"You have to understand what you don't understand"
-Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park



Fascinating, indeed.

God. Root. What is difference?

AIM: obormot345

Sounds great, but does it work?

"I was under the influence of medication when I made the decision to burn the tapes."

Richard Nixon

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