Wanna see something funny/cool?

I had totally forgotten about this thing.... back about 5 years ago (damn), when I was heavy into EV, makin' my own plug an' such, I made this animation of one of my ships, which gets into a fight with an argosy. Old school animation--'s funny, can't believe how long ago that was. Was only like 15 or so....but anyways, anyone who actually checks it out, lemme hear any comments. And just so you know, the movie will load differently depending on your connection prefs for the quicktime plugin (ie. faster connection = bigger movie).
(url="http://"http://www.chat.carleton.ca/~bgroves/anim.html")http://www.chat.carl...roves/anim.html(/url) (the first one)


It gave me an unknown system error -2000

"The toilet is over there!"-Stalin at the Yalta Confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


Heh, I like them. Quite nice for the tools availabel at the time.


Better than I can do 🙂

My decision is maybe, and that's final!

That was fun! And you did this five years back? Very nice.

what is to give light must endure burning

Yeah, both me and my brother (who was about 11/12 at the time) made animations after working on a plugin. If I can manage to dig his up I might post it too. I've done others since (different subjects though), and have gotten much better at animating, but never manage to finish them anymore.


I'm the only one that's getting a -2000 error? :frown: :frown: :frown: :frown:

"The toilet is over there!"-Stalin at the Yalta Confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


Well, i encoded it with sorenson, so if you don't have at least quicktime 3, you won't be able to view it.



Originally posted by BernDog:

**Well, i encoded it with sorenson, so if you don't have at least quicktime 3, you won't be able to view it.


Lazy bastard...

Just kidding 😄


Originally posted by BernDog:
**...back about 5 years ago (damn)...

No, it was not five years ago. EV will turn four next month. You have NOT been here for five years.


And BTW, excellent camera work.

"Now, Mr. Mirnas... start at the beginning."

-The Interrogator

(This message has been edited by Regulus (edited 04-24-2000).)

Wow. Some pretty anal people here. Ok, it was about 4 years ago, which (at least to me) is still a really long time.


Reg is typically either anal, just plain weird, or uninteligable.


Life is but a dream. Pass the coffee, please.
Could I have an order of Discboard with that?

Who cares WHEN he made its that fact that he finished it that is pretty cool. I always make it through like halfway and then stop because I am sick of making frames then pick it up a year or two later and it is so crappy compared to what I can do now that I throw it away and start again. I need perseverence lessons or something.

Making out is like a chinese dinner, it ain't over til you both get your cookies
-My Brother

Thanx Matrix. I hear ya guy, I've begun at least 3 other major animations (ie. > 1 min) since, and haven't managed to complete a single one of them. And they're so much nicer looking and detailed than those older ones. I mean, you can even see the difference in the two i did finish; the second one has more substance, and I was better at modeling the stuff. Maybe i'll post my unfinished ones too.....


Nice, although if you wanted to make it like really nice, add soud, speed up the first flying around and hypering out. Maybe make ripples where the lasers hit sheilds, make the laser fire from the ?hawk? more visible, or more in quantity, and make the explosions at the end more explosive, leaving damage on the Argosy (black marks, splotchs, etc).
I know enough about animation to know these would probably take more effort than it's worth, however. Oh, and I like the tail fire.

Anyway, it is nice. Have you done anything with more complex ships like the Rebel Cruiser (I think it is the coolest).
