Final Fantasy VIII

OK. Some of you would think I was going to talk about the PS and Windows (ack!) game FF VIII, but I thought it would be cool to make something similar to it for the EVO. The plot is very (really) good, and with some tweaks, we could change it to a space RPG game.

I've got many ideas already about the plug, how we should handle different things in the game (i.e. party selection, levels, and missions), but I would need many peoples to help me out with the plug-in itself. I'm still brain storming now, but maybe some could help me with some ideas.

I would need some peoples to do the following things:

1. Designing Ships&Weapons.; (Instead of characters, we will use the ships.)
2. Creating The Universe. (I think we've got to change it completely)
3. Creating the plot. (How the story will be, different missions and tasks)

I know there's much more, but I would like some response on this idea first.

The Slayer.

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