Please: Ben, spamguy, or Zelda read

Dear Moderators, (Ben Spees, spamguy, or Zelda)
Can I please be a moderator?? I know a ton about macs. 😄 Also: PLEASE COME OUT WITH A SECOND FERAZEL'S WAND!


I think the webboard is set for moderators right now. There's probably not going to be a sequel to Ferazel, but I am working on an update with a few new things.


Yes, Rhaid I can see you are blooming with experience from your whole 1 posts. 😉

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better

(This message has been edited by Dr Tall (edited 03-23-2001).)


Originally posted by Ben S.:
**I think the webboard is set for moderators right now. There's probably not going to be a sequel to Ferazel, but I am working on an update with a few new things.


"Ben S"?


All I know is that wherever Ben goes, great software follows--Merciless


Originally posted by Dr Tall:
**Yes, Rhaid I can see you are blooming with experience from your whole 1 posts.;)


Dr Tall: I'm really rwh2001 and I have more than one post, and I have a ton of experience with Macs.



Originally posted by Ben S.:
**I think the webboard is set for moderators right now. There's probably not going to be a sequel to Ferazel, but I am working on an update with a few new things.


Hey Ben. I got 2 questions. One is if you needed more moderators would you let me be one? 2 is why aren't you coming out with a sequal to Ferazel? It was such a great game!

