Has anyone played Satori Station?

Has anyone played my new EV plug-in, Satori Station? It's my first plug-in so I'm curious. If you don't know already, it adds 17 new missions to the Rebel string. I can't upload it to the add-ons page, so you can only get it from my website (check my sig). Thanks.

"The toilet is over there!"

-Stalin at the Yalta Confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost



Originally posted by OctoberFost:
**Has anyone played my new EV plug-in, Satori Station? It's my first plug-in so I'm curious. If you don't know already, it adds 17 new missions to the Rebel string. I can't upload it to the add-ons page, so you can only get it from my website (check my sig). Thanks.


I have played it. It is not bad either.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

I am currently playing Satori Station, and enjoying the battles so far (as I am a lousy fighter, the battles keep me frightened and alert). I'll let you know what I think when all is done!

what is to give light must endure burning

I just got my original EV working again today ( i have no idea what was wrong or how i fixed it but its working again) and im about to download it.

"I was under the influence of medication when I made the decision to burn the tapes."

Richard Nixon

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My](http://www.hotboards.com/powerforum/pwrforum.exe?who=joljvikevevo<br />
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My) Email Address -- SmashMaster18@hotmail.com

My AIM Screen Name -- JolJvik


I want to design the greatest EV plug-in, but I having some problems. I had little success. I need to learn from the master how to do it.

Please contact me at (url="http://"mailto:sa.hunter@usa.net")mailto:sa.hunter@usa.net(/url)sa.hunter@usa.net

Hey OctoberFost,

I tried out youir plugin and its great. I only have one suggestion. I think you should make another version that uses visbits to make the station only appear after you have gotten a good distance into the game. Like say after you completed that alien missions. Or maybe one or two missions after that. Only because then it would blend into the current game better.

"I was under the influence of medication when I made the decision to burn the tapes."

Richard Nixon

My Webpage -- [http://www.geocities.com/joljvik/

My](http://www.geocities.com/joljvik/<br />
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My) Bulletin Board -- [http://www.hotboards.com/powerforum/pwrfor...ho=joljvikevevo


My](http://www.hotboards.com/powerforum/pwrforum.exe?who=joljvikevevo<br />
<br />
My) Email Address -- SmashMaster18@hotmail.com

My AIM Screen Name -- JolJvik