Plot...Boring Protection

All the plots I come up with, for plugins, always come down to the old Star Wars/Original EV Empire vs. Rebels plot. I want something REALLY different...

#29 on the Periodic Table

Try watching Blake's 7, Reading Asimov's Foundation Trilogy (NOT the sequels) and Ursula LeGuin's SF books.


M A R T I N • T U R N E R

Ahh, if we're talkin' good SF books----here's some of the best:

Ender's Game trilogy
Actually four books, but very involved plot focused on the life of Ender, a child prodigy in the future.
by Orson Scott Card

Hyperion (four books)
You can't step to these books. To much goes on in this series to explain, but the authour is one of the best I've read, and I've read much.
by Dan Simmons

I don't think there's anything wrong with Empire vs Rebels per se; intricacy, however, and involvement, could easily make for a great plotline.


Hmm I agree, the Ender's Game series is very good. Haven't read the Hyperion set, but one I know is really good is the Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien, I read it when I was younger, but I remember even then how deep the story line was, and how it set such a dark mood. They are making it into a Movie, check apple's web site for a preview movie, it looks really good. Back to Ender's Game, I just finished reading Xenocide and of all I've read, a lot too, its the best book I've ever read.

As for new ideas, almost no one ever gets any new ideas, they are all reformulated out of things they hear else where, few people ever come up with something so different, when they do, they are considered geniuses, Shakespeare was a genius because he wrote about things in a way no one else had, I think, others include Einsteine, Fermat, Aristotle, and Galileo. All of them were able to think "outside the box" to solve problems. As a genius is anyone who comes up with a totally original idea. And thats what they did. Not to kill your creative side, you can still think of ideas on your own. You should read lots of things and get many ideas from them. Then you can combine them and switch them until you make something that is different, but works for your goal.


Lord of the Rings ROCKS! (Hence my name!)
Or, you could try the most successful and by far the most developed SF series - Frank Hebert's "DUNE" books span thousands of years.

Mace means no.

Instead of 1 good government and 1 bad government, you could have 2 bad governments that hate each other, like nazi germany and stalinist russia. You'd have to pick betweem one of the great evils of the universe. I was making a plug like this a few years back, but I abbandoned it because all I used at the time was EV-Edit and it came out buggy. (no big suprise there...)

"The toilet is over there!"

-Stalin at the Yalta Confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


2 things.

I was one of the first people to register on the ares board, and the first person to re-register on the new board, where I joined the EV community.
I noticed I have only 157 posts. I think I have the fewest number of posts of anyone here for how long I've been registered.


And second:

Read Joseph Heller's "catch-22". It is probably the best book ever written in modern literature. It's also a laugh riot.


2 things.

I was one of the first people to register on the ares board, and the first person to re-register on the new board, where I joined the EV community.
I noticed I have only 157 posts. I think I have the fewest number of posts of anyone here for how long I've been registered.


And second:

Read Joseph Heller's "catch-22". It is probably the best book ever written in modern literature. It's also a laugh riot.



Originally posted by Cotton Mouse:

**2 things.

I was one of the first people to register on the ares board, and the first person to re-register on the new board, where I joined the EV community.

I noticed I have only 157 posts. I think I have the fewest number of posts of anyone here for how long I've been registered.


Nope, that's HellHunter. He's got 9 posts. And he used to be a moderator!!!!

Good thing we got new ones.

"The toilet is over there!"

-Stalin at the Yalta Confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost


Phew, well that makes me feel better.. hey, anyone other that hellhunter here have fewer posts that I do per ratio for time registered/post #?


Just thought I'd reccomend a couple series:
1. The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings (duh)
2. "Shannara" Series by Terry Brooks (read all 8!)
3. Midworld. By Alan Dean Foster. One of the best books ever written, period. I have a nice old hard-cover copy; all they sell now is paperbacks with awful cover art. But the book is excellent. If you haven't read it, which is likely, do so NOW. GO! READ IT!

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