Some Ship Graphics for yer perusal


Originally posted by Kwanzar:
**1000 systems is the MAX. 1500 spobs is max. As the EVO bible says. I agree that systems are long and boring to make though...=)


Use the developers map. It goes really fast. Well, compared to res-edit. EV-edit does the same thing but it sux.

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Richard Nixon

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You can get a demo of pixels 3D 3.5.1 at

By the way I don't suppose that any of you would be prepared to create some ship and outfit graphics for my new plug-in? Details will be given if you are interested.

P.S. I need quite a lot of graphics. 64 ships in all and a larger amount of outfit plug-ins.

Umm, i am using some new things in 1.0.2 to make it have more than the max (like, 192 ships). How do I do this? It's a secret :). And yeah, making systems suck, but I already have it pretty much done.

Umm I have a manual for Pixels 3d, If anyone wants it they could email me or something (

