Small Shipyard Picts

Y'all know that big old pict with ID #5100, and the outfit one that looks just like it. How are those made. Additionally, are the small picts size 32x32?

Just wondering.


I'm here to kick arse and chew bubble-gum. And guess what? I'm all out of bubble gum.


Originally posted by Dinoman:

**Y'all know that big old pict with ID #5100, and the outfit one that looks just like it. How are those made. Additionally, are the small picts size 32x32?

Just wondering.



The small pics are either 25 or 50% the size of the big pics. I forgot which.

"The toilet is over there!"-Stalin at the Yalta Confrence, denouncing one of Churchill's ideas.


Yahoo Messenger-OctoberFost



Originally posted by Dinoman:
**Y'all know that big old pict with ID #5100, and the outfit one that looks just like it. How are those made. Additionally, are the small picts size 32x32?

Just wondering.


Merely a guess, but I believe the large shipyard and outfitter picts (ID#S 5100 and 6100) were made by pasting in indiviual tiles for each item.
The small shipyard and outfitter picts are 32x32.

Joe Burnette

"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories:
Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer


Originally posted by Joe Burnette:
**Merely a guess, but I believe the large shipyard and outfitter picts (ID#S 5100 and 6100) were made by pasting in indiviual tiles for each item.
The small shipyard and outfitter picts are 32x32.

To make the large shipyard pict (and the outfit pict) create a grid which is 32x32 in size and then paste your ships (or your outf's) onto it and arrange them in order. The first pict will go appear for the Ship (or outf) with the id 128 in your ship resource list. The second will go with the id 129 and so on. They go from left to right in rows from top to bottom.
