ATTN: Martin Turner

Your Frozen Heart pics are at (url="http://"") The Corsair and Falcon pics came out that when I opened them in Graphic Converter. Perhaps you could resave, restuff, and resend them?

Analysis, Mr. Spock?

AIM: obormot345

When I tried to take a look:

"403/404 ERROR: Permission Denied/Not Found
The requested URL /~achmizs/fh2.html. was not found on this server."



Bubbles wrote:
**When I tried to take a look:

"403/404 ERROR: Permission Denied/Not Found
The requested URL /~achmizs/fh2.html. was not found on this server."

Delete the period at the end of the URL (right after 'html').

what is to give light must endure burning



M A R T I N • T U R N E R

So when's it coming out? Or will it take as long to make as the original Frozen Heart? Just kidding/ But really, is there a potential release date? These graphics look cooler than the originals, which frankly I didn't like. Smooth, shiny ships are more my style.

Well, it definitely won't be out before EVO 1.0.2.
If someone came up with a reliable Mission Editor that didn't involve you converting everything to EV format it would speed things up.

Right now I've got the plot for the main thread, and the plot for the other main thread. I'm basically creating graphics every evening and playing with EVO features to find stuff I want to do which hasn't been done.

The very last thing I'll be working on will be Quick Time movies -- however, these will not be installed by default, as I don't want to wade through all the QT problems of FH 1.00 to 1.0.3. This may depend a little on whether EVO 1.0.2 has a more stable QuickTime engine.

Right now, the new startup screen (with animations) is done, some of the ''not yet seen" features are done, a load of new worlds have been done, but not half of the new ones which will be, and most of the new ship models have been created but not yet made into spins.

But it's the storyline which is going to be the most exciting bit, and that takes a little time to coalesce in my mind from the plot (which, as I say, I've got) to something which hits me emotionally (which is the only way I have of guessing whether it will get anyone else).

Hope this helps -- I guess the short answer is 'in the summer -- probably of 2000'.


M A R T I N • T U R N E R


Originally posted by Martin Turner:
If someone came up with a reliable Mission Editor that didn't involve you converting everything to EV format it would speed things up.**

I'm working on it...

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.


Originally posted by Maridian:
**I'm working on it...

Cool. How long do you anticipate it will take before it is released?

"I was under the influence of medication when I made the decision to burn the tapes."

Richard Nixon

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