A question from a my first plug-in try

I have just started to attempt my first plug-in. I used EV-Edit first but then hated it and decided to try to learn to use Res Edit. I was wondering if anyone could tell me a brief explanation of the steps to making a new weapon or anything. Thanx.


Do you have the EV/O Bible (preferably annotated edition) and Object Formulas? If not get those from the Ambrosia website.


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Ya, I have the EVO Bible, but what are the object formulas? and where could I get them?


the formulas are confusing. get the calculator that pontus made. it does all the formulas for you.

"I was under the influence of medication when I made the decision to burn the tapes."

Richard Nixon
Webpage -- [http://www.geocities.com/joljvik/
Email](http://www.geocities.com/joljvik/<br />
Email) -- SmashMaster18@hotmail.com
AIM -- JolJvik


Jol'Jvik wrote:
**the formulas are confusing. get the calculator that pontus made. it does all the formulas for you.

But the "Objects Formulas" tells you why you do things a certain way, and has lots of useful information besides the formulas. Get both, read the 'Objects formulas' to learn about the relations of various resources, but use the 'Formula Calc' to actually calculate ID numbers, it's much quicker and easier.

The "EV Objects Formulas" can be found at (url="http://"http://www.ixoft.com/")http://www.ixoft.com/(/url) if it is not in the archives here; "EV Formula Calc" can be downloaded from (url="http://"http://members.chello.se/wmb12729/ev/")http://members.chello.se/wmb12729/ev/(/url) among other places. A really useful document is the "Beginners Guide to ResEdit for EV, found in the 'guided' section of the archives here - it gives step-by-step instructions for creating the various EV resources. It is an excellent complement to the EV Bible. BTW- get the Annotated Edition of the EV Bible; lots more useful info in there than the original.
