How do I put a sound I recorded (built-in mic), or a bit of music, into my plug?

How do I get it to be the correct format for EV? I have tried adding some sounds, but they never "speak", and just silence...

Mace means no.


Gandalf wrote:
**How do I get it to be the correct format for EV? I have tried adding some sounds, but they never "speak", and just silence...

I am not expert on sounds, but they do need to be in System 7 'snd ' format, mono sound at 11 kHz. Sound resources can be copied and pasted in ResEdit like any other resource. If your sounds will not play in the game, check the resource ID#s very carefully; be sure you have specified the correct number for the sound you want. Note that weapon sounds use the 'position' number of the sound, not the ID number. (You might try specifying a differnt sound that is known to work, just to be sure you are doing it correctly.)



Joe Burnette wrote:
**Sound resources can be copied and pasted in ResEdit like any other resource.

Why copy & paste when you can just record a sound in res-edit. Copy on of the sounds from the EV sounds file, paste it in your plug. And then open the snd resource it makes, don't open the specific sound, just open the resource. Then you should get a menu called snd or sound or something like that. It'll be in the menu bar across the top of the screen. Then choose record new sound from that menu and record whatever you want. It records in fairly good quality. And it makes for much less of hassle than recording somewhere else and pasting it in.

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Richard Nixon
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I have recorded half a dozen sounds in resedit for custom landing sounds that sound fine by themselves, but they do not play when I land on the planets. I have given them appropriate ID's (10006, 10007, etc), and the ID's are entered in the planet Custom sound fields, but NOGO! Does resedit record in the correct sound format for EV? What am I doing wrong?

Mace means no.