Welcome to The Cove, mission writers.

I'll cut straight to the point. I need four good mission writers for Project Nebula. The plug you will be writing for is absolutely huge, in terms of coolness, monumentalness, and also file size. You'll want a fast connection, as you'll need to download a big plug, however; I can also mail you a CD if you'd rather. Reply to this or email me if you're interested...

Graphics. Games. And more...
(url="http://"http://www.meowx.com")Meowx Design Studios(/url)

Hot damn, I'd love to help out - but I guess I'll need a CD. Looks like I'll have to charge up those creative drives. . .

I claim my First Amendment rights to express myself through the use of high explosives.

I'll do this but as a low priority worker - meaning if there isn't a whole lot of interest from others, I'll do it. I do happen to be in English accel, and AP next year, so I'm not just some random gamer who wants to write. I do like to write stuff for EV-related things because I can't stand the lack of quality writing in everything I've seen other than E3.

Mike Lee (Firebird)


I do happen to be in English accel, and AP next year

Same here, actually. I can write missions, sure. I have 2 T1's in school, so I can download it. BTW, what's E3? I think FH and FF were referred to like that, is that waht you're talking about?

We come in peace, shoot to kill, shoot to kill, shoot to kill...

Off-topic: You're allowed to use those T1's for download?

On-topic: Yes, the universe in which FH and FF take place in are referred to by Martin Turner as the E3 universe (I don't know why, although I think it might have something to do with EV3 - I'm probably wrong though).

Mike Lee (Firebird)

Why not just ask Martin? I think it was the name of the story he based it on or something like that. His story.

BTW, i'd LOVE to help out with this.

I don't think my e-mails in the profile, so here it is. Just send me the details...


Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

I'm on the techincal services staff, so I'm allowed to do anything. But in general, yes, we are - not during a computer class when we're supposed to be programming, or something. But that's obvious. We also have a 10 mbit Ethernet network, with ethertalk and Appletalk, and a fiber-optic backbone. Yes, my school is quite cool.

Analysis, Mr. Spock?

AIM: obormot345

I will help but I will not write missions cold. What I mean is that I need to have an actual plug semi built with all the neccesary componants before I am asked to make mission intro's and the like. Do not take it too seriously, its just I had a lot of bad experiences with the last major plug I worked on, the now extinct Delta-V plug. I would offer to do graphics but I think you have that covered. <g>



Obormot, I need your email if you want to help... 😉

Graphics. Games. And more...
(url="http://"http://www.meowx.com")Meowx Design Studios(/url)