EVO Developer's Map 1.0b


This is a rather hurried release, so bear with me if there are any problems. I've probably left stuff out, so if there's anything you want added then mail me or post it here. The same goes for bug reports.

If all is not lost, where is it?

A minor bug that I noticed: The buttons are in Swedish.


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Andrew M wrote:
**A minor bug that I noticed: The buttons are in Swedish.


Don't think of it as a bug, think of it as an opportunity to learn a new language! 😉

If all is not lost, where is it?


pontus wrote:
Don't think of it as a bug, think of it as an opportunity to learn a new language! 😉

Uhh okay, how about referring to it as an 'annoying feature'? Seriously, I'm already learning french, I don't think I really could handle two languages at once. 😉


"Je deteste Wyndoze!"

Join #dragonmac on SorceryNet!

so thats what the 'AGBBYTE' is about.
By the way thanks for this application it is a godsend 😄
I was just wondering if there was a way to specify the resource number of the system you start editing in a new file as 128 is not useful to me??

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it possesed both a mind
and a will. others will
claim it to be a demon in
disguise. some believe it
composed of the vestigal
souls of all damned
mortals trapped

net](http://mailto:jr.watkins@virgin.<br />

Looks good so far Pontus, though the swedish is a bit annoying. Keep up the good work!


(url="http://"http://commonwealth.cjb.net")Commonwealth Software(/url)

Er, how do you change spob graphics?

It would be nice if double-clicking opened systems info or the spob editor.

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove

ColdFusion wrote:
Er, how do you change spob graphics?

Same way you do in ResEdit: by changing the spob type. The field's labeled "Type" and there's a button next to it.

It would be nice if double-clicking opened systems info or the spob editor.

I'll add it, but it will be a bit funky. Esp. on slower computers.

If all is not lost, where is it?

I dunno if it's just me, but when I make a new system, it's sorta invisible. Is it a bug, or is it just me?

~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
"Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"


Kwanzar wrote:
**It's sorta invisible. Is it a bug, or is it just me?

Depends; are you blind? 😉


"Cannibals are people to."

(url="http://"http://www.theonion.com")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

I have a comment, actually, a few:

  • EVO Developer's Map kicks butt.

  • It kicks EV-Edit's butt so badly it's not even funny.

  • It's suprising you're not charging money for it: It could be worth major money.

  • EVO DM is ultra functional.

  • EVO DM looks so professional I'm suprised ASW didn't make it.

  • You've got nothin' but praise from me.

Zacha K
(url="http://"http://users.aol.com/zachakplug/sigdir/index.html")The Zacha K Space(/url)
(url="http://"http://users.aol.com/zachakplug/sigdir/azach.html")Find out more about the Zachit(/url)

Okay, I do have one complaint: I can't open up plug-ins.
It's just a Minor little thing...

Zacha K
(url="http://"http://users.aol.com/zachakplug/sigdir/index.html")The Zacha K Space(/url)
(url="http://"http://users.aol.com/zachakplug/sigdir/azach.html")Find out more about the Zachit(/url)

sometimes when I make a system, nothing appears on the map and the info box says "this system is under the protection of the Zachit: Renagades beware"

"It is not polution that is harming the ecosystem, it is the impurities in air and water that are harming it."
-Dan Quayle


Zacha K wrote:
**Okay, I do have one complaint: I can't open up plug-ins.
It's just a Minor little thing...


Can't open as in:
1. no open file menu item?
2. no open file dialog?
3. no plugins displayed in the dialog?
4. no resources being loaded?
5. the program crashing


6. all of the above

I never really did spend much time debugging the open-code.

If all is not lost, where is it?

Great work! This really kills anything else out there for system editing, including your original EV developers map... 🙂

I've not found really encountered any bugs so far. The only things I've noticed are with regard to rather large maps with similarily large nebula... When moving around the map, there is a long delay where I can still interact with the program, but the map doesn't update... The other thing is that exporting a colour image of the map (Wow, hadn't even thought of that feature. It's really usefull!) created an error of type -108. Creating a B&W; image didn't cause any errors...

Thanks for the great work you've done on this! EVO developers map is going to save a lot of people a lot of time. 🙂


kberg wrote:
**Great work! This really kills anything else out there for system editing, including your original EV developers map...:)

I've not found really encountered any bugs so far. The only things I've noticed are with regard to rather large maps with similarily large nebula... When moving around the map, there is a long delay where I can still interact with the program, but the map doesn't update...**

Get a faster computer. Set the monitor to 256 colors. Wait for the map to be redrawn before giving more input. Not much I can do about it.

The other thing is that exporting a colour image of the map (Wow, hadn't even thought of that feature. It's really usefull!) created an error of type -108. Creating a B &W; image didn't cause any errors...

An error of type #-108 is a MemFull error. You may have to give the program as much as 16 MB or more, if your map is large enough. And don't export while zoomed in - the exported pict will reflect what you see in the editor, so exporting at 4:1 zoom will increase memory requirements by 16x.

**Thanks for the great work you've done on this! EVO developers map is going to save a lot of people a lot of time.:)

Thanks. 🙂

If all is not lost, where is it?


OctoberFost wrote:
**sometimes when I make a system, nothing appears on the map and the info box says "this system is under the protection of the Zachit: Renagades beware"


It just started doing this to me too. Now it wont let me make any new systems. I can still edit existing ones, but the new ones dont appear. This is much more annoying than the Swedish buttons. But complaints aside, its simply amazing. It utterly destroys EV-edit!!!

Great job!!



pontus wrote:
**Can't open as in:
1. no open file menu item?
2. no open file dialog?
3. no plugins displayed in the dialog?
4. no resources being loaded?
5. the program crashing
6. all of the above
I never really did spend much time debugging the open-code.

More like 4. No change occured in the map when I opened my plug. It turns out it was a problem in the plug, though.

I have a new complaint, though: When I want to change a spob type, and I click the little "change spob type" button, The dialog box pops up, but the list is empty (no "Class M Planet"s or anything like that). ?ż?ż?
Keep up the good work 😄

Zacha K
(url="http://"http://users.aol.com/zachakplug/sigdir/index.html")The Zacha K Space(/url)
(url="http://"http://users.aol.com/zachakplug/sigdir/azach.html")Find out more about the Zachit(/url)

Yes, I jnow I am somewhat of an old fart here, and almost never post. Most of you don't know me, and I don't know you. But anyway, please forgive me this post:

This program kicks ass. I can finally complet my two plug-ins:

The Babylon 5 Universe Series


Against Infinity (working title)

No oppressor can hold a people in the grip of tyranny forever.

-G'Kar, Babylon 5

Dinoman: Dinoman! You old fart! How goes all?

Pontus: I emailed you with a question, but how exactly do you get the EVO Dev map to work with plugs (I've been playing around, perhaps my stupidity has gotten in the way, or maybe i'm still just impressed with a decent EVO planet editor).

Do you have to convert your plug into 3 seperate plugs (since your editor requires a dat 1, dat 2 and graphics? or can you just open a plug in the editor and it will display it? I tried something like that once and it froze, but i'll give it more memory. Please respond letting me know if I'm even close to the right track 😉