More Planet Help (assigning graphics)

Ok there can be 128 stellar objects right?
and it doesnt matter there id numbers does it?

Also how do i assign a picture to a planet?

and what are in the str# resource Stellar types? and what does it do?

The Great Expansion - An upcoming total conversion of EVO

Ok, I think I understand what you're asking about.
First of all, there is room for 1500 stellar objects in an EVO plug-in. These are the individual planets and stations, etc which show up in a plug-in. There is only space for 128 stellar classes , the images that represent a spöb (stellar object) in the game.

You can assign an image (a stellar class) to a spöb by filling in the field called "type" in the spöb resource. To quote the EVO Bible Annotated Edition (you really should d/l this): "Spob types are determined by spďn resources (see spďn) ID#s 300-363. The name of each spöb type, which appears in the communication dialogue when you hail a planet (e.g. Class M planet) is stored in STR# 1011"

Which answers your last question. The str# resource that handles spöb types (# 1100) is the name of the class of planet you are hailing.

Since you called it the "Stellar types" str#, however, I think you may be looking at the STR resource. To get a good explaination of what these do, you'll have to read the Bible yourself. I can't quite figure out the difference yet.

Hope this helps,


(This message has been edited by Bubbles (edited 03-28-2000).)


Phillip wrote:
**Ok there can be 128 stellar objects right?

Wrong. There can be 1500 stellars (or spobs = space objects), but there can be no more than 128 different types of spobs - that is different sets of PICT and spin resources.


and it doesnt matter there id numbers does it?

ID numbers do matter. ID numbers of the PICTs (sprite and mask) are not really important, as long as the spin points to the correct set of picts, but the spin IDs are important. Stellar spins start at ID# 300 (there is a discrepancy in the version of the EVO bible I have, since it only lists 64 spins for spobs: IDs 300-363.) It may be that the max number of spob types is only 100 (ID#s 300-399) since spin IDs 400-402 are used for explosions - or maybe you have to skip over those numbers and continue with the spobs at ID# 403.


Also how do i assign a picture to a planet?

Put the spin's position number in the "type" field of the 'spob' resource. The position or index number is zero-based, for stellar spins the range is 0-127, with 0 corresponding to spin ID# 300, 1 to ID# 301, etc. This is assuming your question refers to the picture of the spob as seen from space; landing pictures are usually assigned to each spob type using ID#s starting with PICT ID#10000 for spob tyoe 0, 10001 for type 1, etc. Custom landing picts can be used with spobs by putting the pict's ID# in the 'CustPicID' field of the spob resource.


and what are in the str# resource Stellar types? and what does it do?

The 'stellar type' text strings appear in the comm window when you hail a planet; they are the 'Class x Planet', 'Type x Station', etc. text.


(This message has been edited by Joe Burnette (edited 03-29-2000).)

The lot of you or the Bible is wrong - 64 Spob types, 0-63.


PBS mind in a CNN world

To be honest, that sounds familiar. I wonder if that explains a bug I've been experiencing in Xianu... thanks Skunko, the Bible may very well be wrong. How do you know it's 64?



Skunko7 wrote:
**The lot of you or the Bible is wrong - 64 Spob types, 0-63.


Could be. Where did you get the number 64?

The EV Bible says 64 spob types, the EVO Bible says 128; but both list spin ID#s 300-363 as being reserved for spobs, and that is only 64.

Has anyone acyually tried using more than 64 spob types? It would seem some experimentation is in order 🙂


Well, thats just what I thought it was. I guess I'll check the bible..

To quote it:
(From Part 1)
MaxStellarClasses 64

(From Spin description)
300-363 Stellar objects

(From Spob info)
Type Which graphic to use, from 0 to 63.

Either Burch was really drunk all times (He credits errors to booze, go fig), or its 64 types.


PBS mind in a CNN world

Hmmm, in the copy of the annotated EVO bible it says:
"MaxStellarClasses 128
300-363 Stellar objects
Which graphic to use, from 0 to 63."

I guess the Lord of the Lemmings may have made a mistake. Still, I'd like to test it before I'm absolutely sure.


(This message has been edited by Bubbles (edited 03-31-2000).)

I've tried using above 64, and it causes EVO to crash.


M A R T I N • T U R N E R


Martin Turner wrote:
**I've tried using above 64, and it causes EVO to crash.

Ah! The Master's voice! 🙂 Thanks, Mr. Turner; I was wondering if anyone had actually tested the 64-spob limit.

The "MaxStellarClasses 128" appears in the 'official' EVO Bible from Ambrosia. If LOL made a mistake it was in copying the official number without verifying it:-)

The EV/EVO Bible does carry a warning that the information is not guaranteed to be completely accurate.

(This message has been edited by Joe Burnette (edited 03-31-2000).)

This matter is of some importance to me as well, as I want EVO Devmap to behave the way EVO does.

I ran a little test, and it appears EVO will accept spob class #99 without any problems. Spob class #100 can be used without crashing, but either your planets will look like explosions or your exposions like planets.

Therefore, I shall set _MaxSpobClasses to 99, for now.

Pontus Ilbring

"If all is not lost, where is it?"