

Stormbringer wrote:


Martin Turner wrote:
**They won't use free-flight bombs, but they will use tractor beams....... As tractor beams do effectively no damage, they won't choose them.


can they or can't they use tractor beams?
Then how do you make them use tractor beams?


By making it their only weapon, or by attaching some damage to a tractor beam. BTW, for the tractor beam to do very much, the ship must have high acceleration.


M A R T I N • T U R N E R

Some time ago, I saw a plugin that put cloaked ships into the original EV game. It wasn't perfect: you could target the ships, you could definately hit them, and whenever they passed over something, the other object would be partially hidden. In order to "decloak", the "Cloaked" ships would simply launch whatever ship they were supposed to be from a fighter bay.

Also, in the Clavius and Beyond plugin, there were ships that were supposedly cloaked, but they used a different tactic: darken the picture to near black. Again, the cloak wasn't perfect, but the effect was much better looking. Also, these ships stayed cloaked. Fortunately, the plugin makers pointed out that the cloaked ships' cloaking devices weren't perfect.

The point of what I'm saying is that, as Jol'Jvik pointed out, unless MCB adds it to the code of the game, it won't be truly possible to cloak an AI ship.

Knucklehead, Aeon Productions


(Insert witty remark here)