My Webpage is Finnally up and Running

Come visit my new EV/O website at (url="http://"")

I already have my plugins loaded into the archive but they will not be availible for download for about a week. Still, I would appreciate it if you came in, looked around and emailed me with suggestions, or posted them on my message board. Thanks for visiting.

"I was under the influence of medication when I made the decision to burn the tapes."

Richard Nixon

Email --
AIM -- JolJvik

Heh, is that my "no hunters" plug, or one you made? 🙂

I'm at school, and can't remember my password, so I'm using the underscore. 🙂


Thursday_ wrote:
**Heh, is that my "no hunters" plug, or one you made?:)

I'm at school, and can't remember my password, so I'm using the underscore. :)**

It's one that I made. I'm not sure how you made yours, but I just copied the "bounty hunter" file from one of the EV datas (I can't remember which) and changed all of the fields to negative one.

"I was under the influence of medication when I made the decision to burn the tapes."

Richard Nixon

Email --
AIM -- JolJvik

Ah. In mine, all the bounty hunters fly shuttles. 🙂

Dan! The food's gone!

Just in case anyone is wondering why I changed all the values to negative one, it makes EV confused because it does not know where to put the hunter, it cant determine what ship to give it, and a few other things. It works really well and never causes me any problems. Im pretty sure EV just ignores him.

"I was under the influence of medication when I made the decision to burn the tapes."

Richard Nixon

Email --
AIM -- JolJvik