
Well, Rhys (maker of Era for EV) has quit the plug, and there is a good possibility that I may finish it for him, now, I am adding 1 final ship to the Barsex alliance, and here is the link to the pict:

(url="http://";=1165>")http://www.netaddres...ckVRe1454M05&O= 1165://;= 1165://;= 1165(/url)

I need to know what you guys think of this ship, It was conceved by me, and rendered by Davil Karl from Meowx.

P.S. Here is the website link to see Era's Ships, so you can tell me if this one fits in with the other ones... (my ship is supposed to be a cross between the Intimidator and the Behemoth (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...146/Barsex.html(/url)



(This message has been edited by Cotton Mouse (edited 03-21-2000).)

(I need feedback)


Erm, first link no work. Heh, Barsex is a rather suggestive name. 🙂


"Cannibals are people to."

(url="http://"")The Onion, America's finest news source(/url)

Ahhhhhhhh!!! Goddamn mother fcking sht!!! Of all things not to work today!!!

Arrr! how do I link to a picture without uploading it to some stupid random site requiring HTML knowledge???


You can't use HTML here. Post the link to the picture, like this.
You have to upload I think. Then use a link or HTML.
~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
"Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

(This message has been edited by Kwanzar (edited 03-21-2000).)

Ok, screw this. if you want to see the ship (which you really should, It is very cool looking... Then email me @
