Forgot to add this to my last message

I mentioned in the "Success!!" posting that I was working on a Death Star plug, and the only main thing I'm missing is good Death Star rotational graphics. If anyone can help here, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Sort of relating to the Death Star plug in particular, should/how-do-I copyright my plugs? As mentioned in another post on here about copyrights, most of my graphics for the Destroyer Bay plug-in are darkened versions of graphics already in EV (Hawk, Cargo Pod). Is this a problem - am I infringing legal stuff?
If I finish the Death Star plug, do I need permission from Lucasfilm or something?

I just though of something - do I even NEED any sort of copyrighting stuff if I give the plugs out for free?

Please respond!

My famous lunchroom quote:
"Stop it or I'll attempt to throw this milk carton at you! I'll miss, but I'll blame anything it does hit on you!"


ConfusedGuy wrote:
**Sort of relating to the Death Star plug in particular, should/how-do-I copyright my plugs? As mentioned in another post on here about copyrights, most of my graphics for the Destroyer Bay plug-in are darkened versions of graphics already in EV (Hawk, Cargo Pod). Is this a problem - am I infringing legal stuff?
If I finish the Death Star plug, do I need permission from Lucasfilm or something?

Well, just mention in the ReadMe that the plug-in is copyrited by you. You should also add the requirements for content and graphical useage by other people. It may be best to get permission from Lucasfilm, but if you don't then add in your ReadMe that Lucasfilm owns the copyrites to that material.

Micah L , (url="http://"")

Really? That's all? I don't have to file a patent, or fill out any legal forms, or anything?

Please read the "Success!!" posting too, I may need some more help.

P.S. please tell me what you think of my sig - I'm trying to make one that isn't too stupid

"The only thing we have to fear is Disney being bought by Bill Gates (or Microsoft being bought by Dumbo the Elephant, same difference)"
If sheep had wings, and dogs had horns, then I wouldn't be typing this.

I could try to make you a death star. I don't know if you will like it much because I made one as my first ship with mechanisto. I could make another but it would probably look the same.


Email --
AIM -- JolJvik

I'd be interested to see your Death Star pics.
Sorry, I need sleep...

Anyhow, I was thinking that, although it would surely be difficult, the Death Star rotation would constantly have the Superlaser thingy aimed in the direction that the ship is going in. The rotation from 315° to 45° would just have the DS (I'm tired of typing the whole name) rotate on a vertical axis. From 45° to 135° would be rotating on a horizontal axis, so the trench disappears at the bottom at 90° and reappears at the top. From 135° to 225° would be vertical again, and from 225° to 315° would be horizontal again.

Confused? Good. That's my purpose (see name). If somehow you managed to understand that, tell me how impossible it is. Thanks.

"The only thing we have to fear is Disney being bought by Bill Gates (or Microsoft being bought by Dumbo the Elephant, same difference)"
If sheep had wings, and dogs had horns, then I wouldn't be typing this.

yeah your sigs fine. yeah i understood that. yeah i can do that. I think i can do a little better thatn that too. Do you have AIM or AOL?


Email --
AIM -- JolJvik


ConfusedGuy wrote:




It's best to use a personal motto or a quote as your sig. For example, my last 2 sigs have been Dan Quayle quotes, and I have a lot more for when my current one gets old. Is it getting old? Tell.

"It is not polution that is harming the ecosystem, it is the impurities in air and water that are harming it."
-Dan Quayle


OctoberFost wrote:
It's best to use a personal motto or a quote as your sig. For example, my last 2 sigs have been Dan Quayle quotes, and I have a lot more for when my current one gets old. Is it getting old? Tell.

Your Dan Quayle quotes are getting old. And boring.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM


How's this one. Or do I have to get a new politician?

"I have made good judgements in the past. I have made good judgements in the future."

-Dan Quayle

You need a new something thats NOT a politician.

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM


Okay, this is my last try at a new sig. Like it fine, don't like it then ignore it.

"There is no prostitution in China; however, we do have some women who make love for money"-Chinese Forigen Ministry spokeperson

You misspelled 'foreign' and 'spokesperson'. 😛 And I think that would qualify as a politician. 😛

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM


(This message has been edited by Andrew M (edited 03-19-2000).)

I think politician quotes are fine. But it's more fun to pick something like...
"I am not a crook." or "When the president does it, it's not illegal." both by Richard Nixon.

Do something like this...

"I was under the influence of medication when I made the decision to burn the tapes."

Richard Nixon

Email --
AIM -- JolJvik

I just quote my friends. Amazing how many good quotes come up in an hour and twenty minutes a day- pity I forget most of 'em.


"I don't think Reuben can talk right now. He's too busy pouring banana fludge down his throat."

AIM: EVBasilisk

But what's banana fludge?!?!?!

OpenGL Avara!

AIM: EVAndrewM


Sorry I didn't reply sooner - like I said, I needed sleep.

I downloaded the "Star Wars SE" plug-in by Kris Hauser (I think that's his name), and he has spin graphics for the Death Star that look like a good format. The drawing isn't the best, though.

If you know what I'm talking about, tell me.

Also, I can't help but notice that NOONE has replied to my original post, "Success!!", in which I announce the near completion of some plugs that I, personally, think are at least mediocre. I also mention a problem I had with the TMPL resource messing up the ships. Please read the post.

"The only thing we have to fear is Disney being bought by Bill Gates (or Microsoft being bought by Dumbo the Elephant, same difference)"
If sheep had wings, and dogs had horns, then I wouldn't be typing this.

There, I fixed the spelling. Now shut up, Andrew M.

"There is no prostitution in China; however, we do have some women who make love for money"

-Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson

Are you ever going to tell us what a bannana fludge is?

"I was under the influence of medication when I made the decision to burn the tapes."

Richard Nixon

Email --
AIM -- JolJvik

He probobly ment Banana Fudge, if not I'd like to know what Bannana Fludge is to

As for sigs I like to use some phrase that makes no sense like:

I can bend minds with my spoon


I used to drive down the highway and throw tomatoes out the window yelling "Hooray for the spicy chipmunks!"

How mad would a wood chuck get if a
big neon pink Koala bear named Ishtar
ran into the woods
and chucked all the wood before the
woodchuck could?
(url="http://"")Goomba's Page(/url)