
FFFF 0014 001E 0001
0081 0005 0003 0000

does your resource for the outf blaze cannon look like this? I don't understand
any of it. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i did read the ev/o bible

Only a few can survive true vengeance and they are my friends

you need the templates. probably.


Email --
AIM -- JolJvik

what templates do you need

Only a few can survive true vengeance and they are my friends

The ones EV uses.

Communism vs. Capitalism
Confeds vs. Rebels
MacOS vs. Windows OR
Rebellious Rebels that use MacOS and are headed by a S. Jobs vs.

Communist Confeds that use Winblows and are headed by a B.Gates.
AIM: EVCorvette


Avenger wrote:
**what templates do you need


You can find the EVO Templates (url="http://";=&sort;=name")here(/url).

Micah L , (url="http://"")

thanks now i have them but when i try to open them they are a bunch of scramled
junk. Also when i choose "open using templates" in res-edit what are the templates called? All very confusing. Was it very hard for you guys when you first started making plug-ins?

Only a few can survive true vengeance and they are my friends

First thing you need to do is put them into the plugin if you havent already. And to answer you question about was it hard, no. I got EVO from a friend who already had the emplates installed in the data filest emplates.


Email --
AIM -- JolJvik

It sounds like you're seriously confused. Plugin making is damn easy compared with real programming; most folks have no problems. Basically, you need said EV/O templates, and you need them open in ResEdit at the same time as you are editing a plugin. You don't need to choose open with templates - all you need to do is double-click on the resource to open it. You also need the EV/O Bible - a good, DocMaker, annotated version can be downloaded at the (url="http://"")Lord of Lemmings'(/url) website.

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove