Red Dwarf Plug

Is there anyone out there who knows enough about the 'Red Dwarf' universe to make some ship graphics/landing scenes for it. I am going to make a 'Red Dwarf' plug even if i have to make up all of the names for everything. As for the ships, there aren't enough in the show to make a decent amount for a plug, so if you know what they look like in general, I think it would be worth a shot to make up a few of our own. And yes i have plug experience, I just haven't gotten my stuff out too the public yet. The 5 or 6 little additions to the EVO universe that I made are mainly in use by my friends. The only thing i might need help on, aside from graphics, is missions and that's really because they are so time consuming. Please answer this because it's about time someone added a decent amount of humour to EVO.


I am a big RD fan, and I think it would be very difficult to make a plug about it:

  1. There are very few planets mentioned
  2. There are only about 5 main characters
  3. There aren't any aliens
  4. There is no mankind anymore either.



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Violets are blue.
I'm schizophrenic
And so am I.

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Mazca wrote:
**I am a big RD fan, and I think it would be very difficult to make a plug about it:

  1. There are very few planets mentioned
  2. There are only about 5 main characters
  3. There aren't any aliens
  4. There is no mankind anymore either.



That's true, but that's also half the fun. If you've read the books there are more planets mentioned. Yes there may only be a few characters, but why couldn't we just make some new characters. My idea basically centers around what happened between the time Lister went into stasis and the time he came out. However, prior to the point at which he goes into stasis you could choose different plot lines. Such as being Rimmer and doing everything from the getting into the hopper lister stole to having to constantly gripe to the workers in zed shift about who refills which candy machines. After Lister wakes up from stasis all the systems would have been reset. The map outfit would be set to some crazy tech level so you would be forced to explore everywhere without the aid of a map. There may not be any aliens in the current Red Dwarf universe, but who said we couldn't make some up. It would work just like the show is written. By that I mean that there would be no real plot to follow. The only set truth in Red Dwarf is that thery don't know where mankind is located (they believe (though are not entirely certain) that Lister is the last of the human race). According to the books, Earth was abbandoned after it had become a giant garbage dump (which would be easy to replicate). I don't see why we couldn't make some aliens up, or have the human race evolve into something strange that we wouldn't expect. I know this may not seem like a very good idea now, but I think with good people working on it it could become one of the funniest plugs ever made. The thing that makes Red Dwarf as funny and popular as it is, is the fact that you never know what will happen next. So if we make this plug EXACTLY like the show it won't be any good because everything will have already been done. To make it as funny as the TV show it would have to be completely different (not in the main plot, but in what happens next). Of course no Red Dwarf show would be complete without visual oddities, I think it would take advantage of all that EVO has to offer such as movies and multiple outcomes. As a final note, it would never have to end. We could make continuous updates that new missions species and stuff like that.

:)On top of all that (and in my opinion the most important part of all), it would be VERY fun to make and play. 🙂

So who's with me on this?


Is anybody going to help on this, or am I going to wind up doing it all my self and screwing it up. I'd hate to sound pleading but, someone has to be willing to help.


Email --
AIM -- JolJvik

I woudl ove too... but I'm an illeterate hobo with a PC : :plugs PC with another round from his rusty .45:: dang you for not running EV!!!

"Badges? We no neeed no steeenkin badges!"


You could have red dwarf have starbug bays, and blue midget bays,and maybe you could get the nova 5. There already is a Dwarf plug but it just gives you ships. Talk to the guy who made it for help or his grapihics.

"How can i make it go faster"? -Me-

Ok, i'll do that, but first im going to need to know how I can contact him. Anybody know how I can get in tuoch with him? And I like the idea of starbug and bluemidget bays. The nova 5 has already been planned. Now im working on how to make it seem realistic. Thanks.


Email --
AIM -- JolJvik