Where can I get a Good a Graphics Program....

Where can I get a Good a Graphics Program for making ships? Ive searched at download.com and zdnet but I can't find anything. :frown: I've heard that Mechanisto is good so I've been searching for it but I can't seem to find it. Or any other decent program for that matter. So if anyone knows where I can download a fairly decent program, I would be very grateful.


Well, there're a whole bunch of good ones, but most are costly. The two favorites seem to be Infini-D and Ray Dream Studio by (url="http://"http://www.metacreations.com")Metacreations(/url). There is only a demo of Infini-D though. I use Vision3D by Strata. The only places I know of to find it are MacAddict, Nov. '98, and it should exist on Hotline.

Micah L , (url="http://"mailto:mjlanier@home.com")mailto:mjlanier@home.com(/url)mjlanier@home.com

Mechanisto can be found at (url="http://"http://www.grand-novice.com/EVES-site/dwnlds_1.html")http://www.grand-nov...e/dwnlds_1.html(/url).
You can find the guide at my site, or at Grand-Novice, along with some Mechanisto ships.

~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
"Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

(This message has been edited by Kwanzar (edited 03-12-2000).)

You can try Inspire 3D made by Newtek. (www.newtek.com)

Its the same software as Lightwave 3d with some of its more powerful features taken out.


PyroManiac wrote:
**You can try Inspire 3D made by Newtek. (www.newtek.com)

Its the same software as Lightwave 3d with some of its more powerful features taken out.**

Ehh, Lightwave sucks. Impossible, Wyndoze interface, and it costs too much.


"Je deteste Wyndoze!"

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PyroManiac wrote:
**You can try Inspire 3D made by Newtek. (www.newtek.com)

Its the same software as Lightwave 3d with some of its more powerful features taken out.**

Max 2 + and 3DS work quite well too.

Andrew: boy is that a bit of pesimism. I like lightwave, and it gives great graphics

Sleep?! Oh yah... I did that last week.


Zeta wrote:
Andrew: boy is that a bit of pesimism. I like lightwave, and it gives great graphics

MAYBE I'd like it if it didnt take several hours to render an object w/no textures. And who understands this 'sin y cos' crap anyway?!?!?!


"Je deteste Wyndoze!"

Join #darksouls.mac on SorceryNet!


Andrew M wrote:
**MAYBE I'd like it if it didnt take several hours to render an object w/no textures. And who understands this 'sin y cos' crap anyway?!?!?!

That's odd, because we have found it to be one of the fastest rendering packages around. We did as much as we could on it because nothing else stacked up in terms of quality or rendering speed. And we used it a lot.



Andrew M wrote:
**Ehh, Lightwave sucks. Impossible, Wyndoze interface, and it costs too much.

WTF have you been smoking man? Lightwave is only about the best damn 3D graphics program you can buy. I can't disgree about the cost, but hey, it's like professional software - that might have also been your problem. And say, where did you ever try it eh?


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I agree too! 😉 Lightwave is great! (In my own biased opinion of course) But like any software, there is a lurning curve. Compared to LW's competitiors like SoftImage and Maya, its much easier to learn. The interface needs getting used to since its very simple unlike other softwares that spend more time on making it look good. However once you know the basics its pretty easy and straight forward. Just try to learn Maya and you have a 24 hour headache! I tried that! LW 6 is even better! The price is a strong selling point. Over 50% cheaper!