Where can i get the templates for Resourcer?

As it said in the subject.


Er, they come with the EV Bible.

There are no Resourcerer templates for EVO.

At least none that I know of.

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove

well, there are resourcer templates for EV, I use them, they were on the ambrosia addons page, but I dont know about now....


(url="http://"http://www.damnsw.net/~triplet/links/")EV/O Links Directory(/url) (url="http://"mailto:blackhole@mac.com")mailto:blackhole@mac.com(/url)blackhole@mac.com

Heres an easy way to get them. Download EV-edit, install it, open it, create a new plugin in EVO format and click the box that says include template(or something like that, I dont know exactally what is says.


I've got your Resorcerer templates right here. They are annotated with text from the EVO Bible and take advantage of all of Resorcerer's advanced template features. They are a must-have; it's a shame more people don't know about them.

Download at (url="http://"http://lightningbolt.pair.com/products/evo-templates/index.html")http://lightningbolt...ates/index.html(/url) .

Tim Morgan
(url="http://"http://lightningbolt.pair.com")Lightning Bolt Software(/url)

Visit my site, (url="http://"http://www.jps.net/ltningbolt/evo-tips")All the EV Override Tips You Could Possibly Want(/url).


Syzygy wrote:
I've got your Resorcerer templates right here. They are annotated with text from the EVO Bible and take advantage of all of Resorcerer's advanced template features. They are a must-have; it's a shame more people don't know about them.

I'm glad I have Resourcerer. 🙂


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