Sprites freeze me

i have a huge sprite for a ship. it is 200x188 and whenever i open EV, it simply stops loading at a certain point, pretty much freezing. Wats the problem, solutions?

' Ace Battlepilot

Just give me a Miranu Gunship, give me orders and watch me kill those F'in B_st_rds!!!

The largest sprite size I've ever been able to get working is 176 x 176. Anything larger then that causes EVO to freeze during start-up...


Man... that ruins one of my plots. Anyone up to calling ambrosia on this?

Sleep?! Oh yah... I did that last week.


Ace Battlepilot wrote:
**i have a huge sprite for a ship. it is 200x188 and whenever i open EV, it simply stops loading at a certain point, pretty much freezing. Wats the problem, solutions?

Huge ships don't really fit in with the rest of EV. There's a lot of chopping when they turn, they bother slower processors, and it looks a bit silly with a ship larger than a planet.

Also, I'm not sure if this applies to y size (been ages since I last made a ship), but shouldn't the size be a multiple of 8? The ship should have a height of 184 or 192.

This may help

If all is not lost, where is it?