Official Graphics Contest!!!

(url="http://"") is the URL. You can't submit yet, but that doesn't mean that you can't advertise your skill. You'll find that I'm using a board very similar to this one. Using :), ;), :(, and 😄 you can insert faces. I need the services of 4 people though. They will be given admin access to monitor IPs during the voting, but not right now.

Micah L.
(url="http://"")Micah World(/url)
(url="http://"")The EV/O Player's Spam Board(/url)
(url="http://"")Micah's EVO Page (Mostly Operational)(/url)
(url="http://"")Micah's Links (Not completelly updated)(/url)
(url="http://"")The EV/O Board Members Bio Page, 2 people to be added(/url)
ICQ: 57161584 }{ AIM: MicahL1 }{ iTools: mlanier

You shouldn't stop at computer graphics, you should add paper and pencil art contest as well. Use the same categories and the winner will have his or her art made to be an actual ship that can be used in EV or EV:O.

Just a thought...


Mwahahaha! I love making graphics! Um, do these have to be made specifically made for the contest or could they be stuff I plan to use?


Woowoowoo! Yeah! I plan to enter most categories. I'm gonna tear you up Weepul! 😉

Hey UE Crusader if you're reading this, do you mind if I use that cruiser thing for the government style category?


(url="http://"")EV:O Revenge(/url)

"I hate you more than ever Milkman Dan."
-Katie, from RedMeat.

(url="http://"")The Onion(/url)

I wanna join, but the monitor on my main computer broke. Geeze I wonder what people would think if I beat you all using mechanisto 😛 hehe


No beer and no TV make Homer something something...

Now making a scene

I'll do it, using Mechanisto only. Be prepared to meet thy annihilation if you've seen my ships already!

~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
"Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

(This message has been edited by Kwanzar (edited 02-14-2000).)

This kind of thing is something you might consider formalizing, and posting to the EV/EVO Newswire:


Also, people might want to add their links to the official EV Web Links database at:


Andrew Welch / el Presidente / Ambrosia Software, Inc.


I'm gonna tear you up Weepul! 😉


I'll do it, using Mechanisto only. Be prepared to meet thy annihilation if you've seen my ships already!

Ooh, tough guys eh?

Shade: we shall see, won't we? uncontrollable maniacal laughter

Kwanzar: could you show us some of your self-touted ships?

No offense or anything meant.

Micah: when's the end date for submissions?

mwahahaHAHAHAAHAAAA! OK enough of that, now I need to learn to make good textures myself instead of using fatalin.tycho's...

I need a good sig... how about, "Graphics are my life" - Weepul 884?


right here!

~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
"Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"


mwahahaHAHAHAAHAAAA! OK enough of that, now I need to learn to make good textures myself instead of using fatalin.tycho's...

Like 'em, do ya? Guess who else is planning on entering...(this should be an obvious answer)

Micha L.- I would also like to know if we can enter stuff we're using for our plugs. I can always generate more, but I've got some stuff I'd definitely love to throw in there that's already been made 🙂

Also, I'd like to say that I will allow the use of my textures on onther people's 3D work. That's what they're there for. If you're unfamiliar with what I'm talking about, go here (url="http://"")Onyx's (fatalin.tycho's) 3D graphics guide & textures(/url).

- () () / }{ -

(formerly fatalin.tycho)

(url="http://"")Cold Blood(/url)

OK, let's just say that you can submit anything you have made. I'm starting with scenes because I've had a lot of work to do recently, and I'd prefer to start out kinda slow instead of jumping right to ships.

Micah L.
(url="http://"")Micah World(/url)
(url="http://"")The EV/O Player's Spam Board(/url)
(url="http://"")Micah's EVO Page (Mostly Operational)(/url)
(url="http://"")Micah's Links (Not completelly updated)(/url)
(url="http://"")The EV/O Board Members Bio Page, 2 people to be added(/url)
ICQ: 57161584 }{ AIM: MicahL1 }{ iTools: mlanier

Hey, it would be great if anyone making completely original graphics (not for their own plugin) would donate them to the EV community as free graphics for plugins. I can only make cans in Mechanisto, and spheres in Infini-D. Besides, some people here can make fantastic graphics. Look at Onyx. . . maybe that's too extreme. I keep wishing I could use graphics from Cold Blood - and I really envy whoever won the free custom ship contest some months back.

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


ColdFusion wrote:
**Hey, it would be great if anyone making completely original graphics (not for their own plugin) would donate them to the EV community as free graphics for plugins. I can only make cans in Mechanisto, and spheres in Infini-D. Besides, some people here can make fantastic graphics. Look at Onyx. . . maybe that's too extreme. I keep wishing I could use graphics from Cold Blood - and I really envy whoever won the free custom ship contest some months back.

Try (url="http://"")http://matrix.crossw...s/shipyard.html(/url) for links to free shipyards.

Micah L.
(url="http://"")Micah World(/url)
(url="http://"")The EV/O Player's Spam Board(/url)
(url="http://"")Micah's EVO Page (Mostly Operational)(/url)
(url="http://"")Micah's Links (Not completelly updated)(/url)
(url="http://"")The EV/O Board Members Bio Page, 2 people to be added(/url)
ICQ: 57161584 }{ AIM: MicahL1 }{ iTools: mlanier

I think that I've downloaded every free ship available on the internet.

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


ColdFusion wrote:
**Hey, it would be great if anyone making completely original graphics (not for their own plugin) would donate them to the EV community as free graphics for plugins. I can only make cans in Mechanisto, and spheres in Infini-D. Besides, some people here can make fantastic graphics. Look at Onyx. . . maybe that's too extreme. I keep wishing I could use graphics from Cold Blood - and I really envy whoever won the free custom ship contest some months back.

The funny thing is, I never get any replies from those contest winners (the last winner was EVula, by the way). Anyhow, when Cold Blood is done, and it will be done (soon enough), I'll still be cranking out ships very now and then. I've been considering placing ships I don't use on the 'net, as a free shipyard...

- () () / }{ -

(formerly fatalin.tycho)

(url="http://"")Cold Blood(/url)

Do that Onyx, that'll be a good thing, the free shipyard.

My latest and possibly greatest creation (with Mechanisto) (url="http://"")
He he...hows that. The links above (excluding vorton.jpg) is to my new site od grpahics and stuff. I have a couple of free ships there. Anyhow, just a few more days till the deadly beating, knowing Onyx got the upperhand, from a graphical stand point. 🙂

~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
"Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

(This message has been edited by Kwanzar (edited 02-17-2000).)

I've decided not to enter, StrataVision is puking violently.


Looks like it's gonna be you and me, Onyx...I hope you're preparing (as I am).

Hee hee, no. It's a friendly competition, sort of like the Graphics Revolution was, except this makes for ranking. You might be best this time around, I might be some other time.

Hmm...half of me says "nice, friendly competition", half says "Die die die! I must crush you all!" 🙂

Note it's the latter half which is making the graphics...

(you have been warned)

but the former which will accept the outcome. (buddy! pal! if you win expect an email asking how in the world you created that from me! (again :)))


So I take it that there can only be one submission per person in each catagory? Just one stupid question. The catagory for scenes....what exactly are the scenes? Is it the start up image when you run EVO?