Ship Picts in EV-Edit

What program would you (anyone) recomend for making the pict with all the ships all at different parts of rotation? I rotated each one 10 degrees in my graphics program, but it took forever to render that way. And then I had to crop each one, and then combine them in one image. When I use photoshop rotating degrades the resolution. Thanks.


Best way is to build 'em in whatever 3D app you prefer and render each ship 36 times (10 degrees between each). After that, stitch the graphics together in a 2D package and save as a PICT. The advantage to this is that the light source appears to come from a consistent direction in the finished spin graphic.

The actual apps you use are a matter of choice - I use StrataVision 4D (because it was free) and Photoshop (because it came with the machine, ie. it was free), but I've also used Vidi Presenter Pro, Graphic Converter and a variety of unreliable PC offerings (ick).


I have stratavision, but it takes forever to render complicated ships 36 times and then crop them all. I prefer using Form Z but I can't be sure I'm rotating 10 degrees. Anyone know how in form Z to be sure you're rotating 10 degrees?


Hey, Rooster, where did you get StrataVision for free?

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove

You can get if off a macaddict, I forget what issue. I don't know where else you can get it. One thing I'm having trouble with in Stratavision is cylinders. When I make them the ends are never round. Doesn't that ruin the purpose of a cylinder?


It's on the OCT. 99 CD. My ships take an average of 20. seconds to render at the highest quality in Strata vision on my G4, exept when they are in wierd positions.

My decision is maybe, and that's final!

(This message has been edited by Type11 (edited 03-08-2000).)

Well, send me a g4 and then they can render quick for me too. And can anyone tel me how to make a real cylinder in stratavision? Mine are never round at the ends.
