Guess who's back

Well, I'm not really back, I'm just passing by, I think. Anyway, I have resurrected my homepage on a new address. I didn't bother updating it. I will, when I feel like it.

Anyway, what I really wanted to say, is that the incredibly delayed EVO Developer's Map (It's been a year, does anyone still care?) should be available for public use very soon. Like Friday, perhaps. I found the source code on my HD and fixed it up. It's still kinda scary, but it works.

Over and out

Gee, this place has changed, it didn't even add my link. Have to do it manually, then.

(This message has been edited by pontus (edited 03-04-2000).)

these changes are pretty new, and I am a moderator now, and you probably dont know me 😉

If you are interested, I have maintained a page with your tools on at (url="http://"") ever since your pages went down

Anyway, good luck in whatever you are doing now, I'm sure the EV community wishes you the best.



The legend returns and the long awaited EVO Dev Map seems on the verge of arriving. Does this version also feature stellar object editing?

"I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
-Gen. Jack Ripper, Dr. Strangelove


pontus wrote:
**Well, I'm not really back, I'm just passing by, I think. Anyway, I have resurrected my homepage on a new address. I didn't bother updating it. I will, when I feel like it.

Anyway, what I really wanted to say, is that the incredibly delayed EVO Developer's Map (It's been a year, does anyone still care?) should be available for public use very soon. Like Friday, perhaps. I found the source code on my HD and fixed it up. It's still kinda scary, but it works.

Over and out

Gee, this place has changed, it didn't even add my link. Have to do it manually, then.

(This message has been edited by pontus (edited 03-04-2000).)**

See, I told you all he's still alive 🙂

Welcome, Pontus. Wonderful news about the site and the devmap. Several of us have been telling people to get your tools, but they have sometimes been hard to find. Now everyone can get them from the source.

BTW how are you doing with my railgun graphics 😄

Good to see you back, if only passing through.


Kismet! Just a week or so ago, I'd asked if anyone knew of your whereabouts. Hope all is well.

the tuff do what?

Heya Pontus, glad to see ya back

The few oldies that are still around in the Communitys are on Kevin Boot's (Republic) Hotline server most of the time. Its called Starlight. IP#:

Midgar cant wait to finally get to use a EVO Dev Map.. Good tidings great one

-Iron Eagle (url="http://"")



ColdFusion wrote:
**The legend returns and the long awaited EVO Dev Map seems on the verge of arriving. Does this version also feature stellar object editing?



Joe Burnette wrote:
**BTW how are you doing with my railgun graphics 😄

You still haven't sent me those sketches. Do that, and we'll talk. 🙂

Hey Pontus! Been a while, I'll be waiting eagerly for that Map Editor, it'll be the first decent one released 🙂 If you're still playing EVO and are looking for some plugs drop by my site. Jim and I are mainting a list of EVO plugs, both released and upcoming, 135 entries so far!


(url="http://"")Commonwealth Software(/url)

I have to say that missions and the map are the most tedious resources to edit using ResEdit.

Well, great to have you "back," looking forward to the map editor and anything else you're planning to release.

When you do release the map editor (hopefully pipeline also releases his mission editor soon), you can post it on the EVO newswire on the newly rebuilt (in the past month) EVO website (and EV website).

Mike Lee (Firebird)