Need Help Making Ship Graphics

Im working on aplug that is going to need a lot of graphics, so if you're willing to work for free then email me.


Who doesn't have problems with ship graphics? Go to (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) and check out the links to free EV graphics sites before you try to solicit free graphics from anyone - you might find something you like, and most people are using their graphics in their own plugins already. A few nice people let you use graphics from plugins; you might ask Onyx very nicely to donate something small from (url="http://"")Cold Blood(/url).

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

(This message has been edited by ColdFusion (edited 02-29-2000).)

I would if i could. My only internet ready computer is not a mac (shudder, gasp)!!

Since im not using a mac anything i cant put anything i download into my plugs.
This was the only other way i could think of.


As a matter of fact, I've been going through my "old" ship graphics, especially from the GTC government, and completely re-making each vessel. I'd be perfectly willing to give away the graphics that I replace, maybe start a free shipyard or something. Should I actually start this shipyard, of course, I'd be submitting anything I don't use or need to it, and it'd all be free.

Anyone think I should do that?

- () () / }{ -

(formerly fatalin.tycho)

(url="http://"")Cold Blood(/url)


Onyx wrote:
**As a matter of fact, I've been going through my "old" ship graphics, especially from the GTC government, and completely re-making each vessel. I'd be perfectly willing to give away the graphics that I replace, maybe start a free shipyard or something. Should I actually start this shipyard, of course, I'd be submitting anything I don't use or need to it, and it'd all be free.

Anyone think I should do that?

I think I've already said this. Go for it! I do wanna see your supreme ships.

And, to the PC internet guy. You can download from a PC and decompress on a Mac. i used to do that. Just operate th normal d/l procedure and unstuff as usual, even though the files say PC or are just blank, they'll unstuff.

~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
"Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

(This message has been edited by Kwanzar (edited 03-01-2000).)


Kwanzar wrote:
You can download from a PC and decompress on a Mac. i used to do that. Just operate th normal d/l procedure and unstuff as usual, even though the files say PC or are just blank, they'll unstuff.

Not always. If the file is a binary (.sit archive, macbinary, PICT etc.) you can often have problems. If the file was text-encoded (ie. binhex) or was something a Pc can normally recognise (.zip archive, JPEG) you'll be fine. If it's a binhex.sea archive, it'll need some reconstruction but it can be rescued.

Thus, Frozen Heart can't be d/l'd via PC (macbinary archive) but Femme Fatale can (.sea file). Depressing.




Onyx wrote:
**As a matter of fact, I've been going through my "old" ship graphics, especially from the GTC government, and completely re-making each vessel. I'd be perfectly willing to give away the graphics that I replace, maybe start a free shipyard or something. Should I actually start this shipyard, of course, I'd be submitting anything I don't use or need to it, and it'd all be free.

Anyone think I should do that?


Please do this! I may sound like some amateur newbie trying do decide between EV-Edit and ResEdit, but I haven't seen ships of Cold Blood's quality anywhere. I can't wait to see this - could you mail me a few discarded ships from Cold Blood so I don't have to go through horrible anxiety?

Oh, and Onyx, I really need help. I'm addicted to Cold Blood without even seeing the plugin - and I keep promoting it to people at random. There must be some way to stop this.

" The Zaphod Beeblebrox?"

"No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox; didn't you hear I come in six-packs?"
-The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

Thanx for all your help on this guys. I never even thought about downloading and not decompressing. That'll be a BIG help.
