ATTENTION! andrew......

Could you please consider making the EV Dev board HTML able?

This is the one board where it is needed most. We could post graphics and provide links for downloads. It is really bad to have to use the banter board just to show off your graphics...

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You know Mikee, you're pretty smart for an eskimo. 😄

Three years and my pizza still isn't here.

Maybe I should call.

Assuming your read my info:

A) It says Antarctica, not the Artic
🆒 Eskimos, aka Inuits, dont live in Antarctica
C) Eskimos are "american indians" meaning they are only found in N/S America
D) There are no "native peoples" of Antarctica

Unix for business
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blah, spelling. Anyway, 'Eskimo' is an insulting term to many Inuit. Inuit means 'the people' and Eskimo apparently means 'Eater of raw flesh'



Umm, are you grammer Nazing me for accidently adding an 'r' to "you"? =P

Anyways, "eater of raw flesh" is just about every inuit. Do you see any trees or coal where they live? Umm no. Alot of them still eat whale, and do so raw... mmmmmmmm yummy.

I think all this "correctness in race" terms are a little irratating. They are american indians, not native americans (there are 300 mill of those 😉
I wonder if "reservation american" would work.... heh maybe "casino americans?"

And I won't even touch the other "races"...

Unix for business
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Ahh.. raw flesh. That brings back memories.

"Fine! I'll go play with myself! I'LL PLAY WITH MYSELF ALL NIGHT LONG!!" Cartman