Unreasoning hostilities

In the plug I'm working on, my player's pilot file has a clean record in all systems. But as I visit a Confederation system, any Rebels there will open up on me; when in a Rebel system, Confed ships attack me at will. Ditto with the smaller Lethean/Cydonian conflict; each side views me as an enemy when I'm in an enemy's system. The governments in the plug are not set to attack the player in non-allied systems; of course, with a clean record throughout, you wouldn't think it would matter anyway. Has anyone else had this problem (corrupted pilot file, perhaps??), and are there any fixes? Any help would be appreciated.

friend to those who need no friends
enemy to those who have no enemies

What kind of ship you in? Is it one your plug-in adds? If so did you set a government for it? If you set a government for a ship that government's enemies will attack it always, even if the player is a pillar of society or something like that.

"You all look like happy campers to me. In fact, you are happy campers. You always have been happy campers. As far as I'm concerned, you'll always be happy campers."

-Dan Quayle on a 1990 state trip to Samolia


OctoberFost wrote:
**What kind of ship you in? Is it one your plug-in adds? If so did you set a government for it? If you set a government for a ship that government's enemies will attack it always, even if the player is a pillar of society or something like that.

The ship is one that the plug adds, and it is a variant of a government's warship, but I took care that this particular model of ship was assigned to no gov't at all. I'll double-check to make sure...though even that government attacks me if I'm in a system belonging to its enemy. Urrghh. Radiskull must think...

friend to those who need no friends
enemy to those who have no enemies

Hmm..legal status is based on a govt.'s legal tolerance- so, when the bible says 4 is decent individual, it means 4 TIMES that government's legal rating. So, if a government's tolerance is 4, you can have up to 15 "good points" before you are a decent individual there.

So, you might have, say, five "good points" in a system. Since your status there is positive, their enemies attack you.

This doesn't seem to be much of a problem in EVO...

Hope that clears something up,



U-99 wrote:
**Hmm..legal status is based on a govt.'s legal tolerance- so, when the bible says 4 is decent individual, it means 4 TIMES that government's legal rating. So, if a government's tolerance is 4, you can have up to 15 "good points" before you are a decent individual there.

So, you might have, say, five "good points" in a system. Since your status there is positive, their enemies attack you.

Four times , eh? Jeez. But it's food for thought...

In the short term, I'm using a new pilot file altogether. So far, so good--no unreasoning hostilities--but will play around with the old pilot file in the future to test your theory. Thanks much to you and OctoberFost.

often in error, but never in doubt