"Change map cell" -- Anyone use this event successfully?

I've posted this thread on the Coldstone board but since it relates only to those
developers who are creating plug-ins for POG I'm posting it here as well in the hopes
of getting some feedback.

Everytime I attempt to create a "Change Map Cell" event Coldstone crashes. It will not
allow me to create the event(and the event hasn't even been called using the plug-in load

So my question is has anyone who is creating a plug-in used this event successfully?
And if you have would you please post what your system specs are(I'm mainly looking
for OS, memory allocated to Coldstone, and whether you have the demo or full version)?

I'm getting extremelly frustrated as I haven't heard so much as a "Got your mail, don't
have any clue, we're working on it" from Beenox. Hopefully with additional information
either I or someone else may figure out the problem.


Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.