Star Wars 3 comments

The Star Wars 2 plug-in despite its pretty revolutionary graphics(In terms of Escape velocity)was severly lacking in the combat system, tone of missions and general arrangement of many things. As Kris hauser has Left the sequal SW3 open to development i have taken to creating a revision of the Plug in involving expanded rearranged graphics improvement to the combat system and new missions and ships i would apppreciate any comments suggestions or offers on the subject as any feedback wll be useful.
Also does anybody know what happened to the development of the sequalto Star wars A New Alliance it seems to have dissapeared????

"some would say that
it possesed both a mind
and a will. others will
claim it to be a demon in
disguise. some believe it
composed of the vestigal
souls of all damned
mortals trapped

net](http://mailto:jr.watkins@virgin.<br />

What do you mean, Star Wars, New Alliance? I haven't heard of it, but I could do a sequel if I had played it or heard about it. Also, I am actually in the middle of developing a Star Wars 3 for EVO. If you are a more experienced plug programmer, I would be happy to turn the duty over to you, but I have been working on mine for over a year now. 🙂



Rogue wrote:
**What do you mean, Star Wars, New Alliance? I haven't heard of it, but I could do a sequel if I had played it or heard about it. Also, I am actually in the middle of developing a Star Wars 3 for EVO. If you are a more experienced plug programmer, I would be happy to turn the duty over to you, but I have been working on mine for over a year now. 🙂


Star wars A New Alliance was the first Star Wars plugin created before Kris Hausers SW1 and SW2 it was pretty poor compared even to SW2. but a long while back;1/2 yrs, their was plans for a complete revision of the plug including a staggering amount of ships but the website suddenly dissappeared and i've heard nothing since. :rolleyes: :eek:
what do you think about Collaborating? 😉 I've also been working on SW3 on and Off for about a year.But more recently I have been working with LoneIgadzra and some others and I am now concerntrating on a total revision of SW2and3 which involves rebuilding the plug from the ground up.What stage of development is your plug in?? Are you building on the basis of kris hausers SW3??

"some would say that
it possesed both a mind
and a will. others will
claim it to be a demon in
disguise. some believe it
composed of the vestigal
souls of all damned
mortals trapped

net](http://mailto:jr.watkins@virgin.<br />

I'm only about halfway through the development part of my plug, and I have over 200 spöbs done and over 100 s˙sts done. All of my ships are done, except for the graphics, and I have over 500 dëscs done. I have no mďsns and, as I said, no PICTs. I also haven't worked on it for awhile, since I got a new computer, but I plan to resume work in another couple weeks. I have my plan for the plug all layed out, and I have designed several missions, with the plot starting just after the Truce at Bakura, and ending at Vision of the Future, and possibly beyond, if possible. I have drawn a map of the Star Wars galaxy, that has to include over 400 systems, but I haven't counted(I'm not crazy enough to undertake such a job as counting all the systems that are on there). Anyway, if you want to work with me on this, we could do that, but mostly what I need is ideas and PICTs. I would suggest also, if you're to work with me on this, that you read the Star Wars books if you haven't already. But yeah, we could look into working together on this.


Replacing all the ships will be a mammouth task and will take an awful lot of time.Star wars 3D models are pretty complicated and there are few at the SWMA(star wars modelling alliance) alliance are willing to work on projects for the macintosh.I am using the existing sprites from SW2 but I have added many extra ships myself including Tau gunboat, Tie Defender,YV-600,Rebel transport and Lambda shuttle I am also half way through completing the 3D models for a Hutt spacebarge and the Quasar fire frigate(flurry).
My sequal plug was about 75% finished and included like yours a revised Galaxy
and about 20 missions.I am now in the process of incorperating this plug into a ground up total conversion with missions which span a much wider timespan than the original SW3 Dark Empire plot line.
what are your plans for the Plug i.e are you intending to include the Dark Empire saga in your plug?? Do your missions so far follow the heir to the Empire plot line?
"I have drawn a map of the Star Wars galaxy, that has to include over 400 systems, but I haven't counted(I'm not crazy enough to undertake such a job as counting all the systems that are on there)." -i,m not sure I understand this?
Is this on paper or in the Plug??how did you draw the map without counting?
I have read the following star wars books- the Heir to the Empire trilogy, Jedi academy trilogy Han Solo adventures, Truce at Bakura and the Correlian trilogy 'Empires end' was were I am planning on finishing my Plug in
I haven't read 'vision of the future' were does this fit into the saga??
also what Picts do you need Landing Picts? outfit picts?
Mail me for further info

"some would say that
it possesed both a mind
and a will. others will
claim it to be a demon in
disguise. some believe it
composed of the vestigal
souls of all damned
mortals trapped

net](http://mailto:jr.watkins@virgin.<br />