Lost crown..what to do?

Okay, After rescuing the general, I decided to meander around some more before visiting the old knight. I've lost the crown by probably hitting my drop button by mistake.
The guards continue to stand post at the cave entrance in Ghost Swamp and the general keeps telling me to purge the swamp. Will I ever become a squire,.. knight? Oh what will I do?!!
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


Err, after freeing the general, were you teleported out of the cave back to the cave
entrance? I might be mistaken but I remember that when you are teleported out and the
general gives his speech and tells you to meet him at Septembris's area, that his guards
leave with him.

Personally, I think I'd run back into the cave, go down to the lowest level and see if
the death knight appears again. If he does then kill him again, get teleported back up,
and keep a hold of the crown this time! If he does not then head back to Septembris
and see if Decimus is in the area(he does not hang around the house. He is just south
of the ridgeline that cuts across the screen east by west. Wander around that area
til you see a white tent and a soldier in front of it).

If all the above fails restore a previous game that was saved just prior to entering
the cave and sally forth.

Good luck

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.

Thanks for your help, unfortuneatly, everything worked originally as it should've. I was teleported, the knights left with the general, they set up camp etc. I did talk to the general as he was the one who sent me to warn the guards at Dernath and Belgrum(?)
It's Septembris who's still not aware of what has happened, so I've managed to get as far as the elf's missions and still occasionally return to the general and the cave, but no death knight 😞
Wow, I'm armed to the teeth and ready to storm High Garndall as a page! Stranger things have happened right?



Ahhh! I believe I know what happened now. I think POG utilizes the "ramifications
of your actions" theory.

Everything progressed correctly, as you freed Decimus(and he is free), but Septembris
wants the crown which you dropped.

I believe you are essentially screwed at this point. I don't believe becoming a knight
is now possiblke for you, unless you choose to restart your game.

This is one of those cases where a designer needs to choose whether or not a "special
item" that is necessary for an event should be discardable, and thus make it so an
event can never occur since it is impossible to regain that possession.

Sorry. You might e-mail help@AmbrosiaSW.com and just ask if this was an intended
reaction to your dropping the crown, or something that was unintended and unforseen
that might be corrected by allowing items to be made non-droppable.

Again, sorry. But at least I think we all understand what happened now, and can
say it is not a "bug" in that this is how the current code operates. And looking at
Coldstone this is definitely the way the code is made to operate.

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.

You could always simply write a quick and dirty plugin in ColdStone that would give you the item. My suggestion would be to create an event that adds the crown to your inventory, then have it trigger when you enter World_P10 (which is Fatrima).

Hope this helps 🙂

--Adam Robinson


You could always simply write a quick and dirty plugin in ColdStone that would give you the item. My suggestion would be to create an event that adds the crown to your inventory, then have it trigger when you enter World_P10 (which is Fatrima).

I thought of that, and was going to do it. 🙂

However, unless I'm missing something, the Item Wizard in Coldstone will not give out
all the items of POG. And the evil crown is one of those items.

If I'm mistaken please do tell how to do it, and I'll write the plug-in for him(unless
someone else would rather do it).

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.

(QUOTE)Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:
**I thought of that, and was going to do it.:)

However, unless I'm missing something, the Item Wizard in Coldstone will not give out
all the items of POG. And the evil crown is one of those items.

If I'm mistaken please do tell how to do it, and I'll write the plug-in for him(unless
someone else would rather do it).
You are kind to offer, thanks. From a newbie standpoint, this board has been very generous and helpful. Many salutations to you from the Big Easy.
