Making ship graphics

I want to make some of my own graphics for a plugin but I don't know anything about it. Could any tell me of a website on how to do this? Also, what 3D modeling aplication would you recomend? I have a G4 so I can run any of them, but I can't afford much.


Type11 wrote:
I want to make some of my own graphics for a plugin but I don't know anything about it. Could any tell me of a website on how to do this? Also, what 3D modeling aplication would you recomend? I have a G4 so I can run any of them, but I can't afford much.

My site's got some pretty cool stuff on Mechanisto. i don't have the program uploaded yet but it can be found at a bunch of places. (url="http://"") for example. Go to the downloads section of the EV section and find it. I think it's also on the official site. Then go to my and go to Mechanisto area. there you can get a tutorial on how to build ships and download a few ships sprites and ship files (in Mechanisto format) This is the Program i use and it's pretty good. It is kinda hard to learn but it's a good deal for a $25.00 shareware fee.

~ThE kWaNzA mAn~
"Thou shalt not mess with the fury of KwAnZa!"

I use POV-Ray software. It can be found at (url="http://"") and is nearly impossible for lower life forms to learn. But once you read the manual like this lower life form didn't, it's easy, it renders very nicely, and it's FREEWARE!!!

(That last reason is the reason I use it, that and the fact my computer won't run Mechanisto.)

BTW, POV-Ray stands for Persistence of Vision Raytracing.


KIRK: Very funny, Scotty - now beam down my clothes!

I use Strata's Vision3d 4.0 from an old MacAdict CD, Nov. '98 I think. It seems to have dissappeared from the net though. If only I could open Acrobat without my computer crashing so I could find out about upgrading to Vision 5.0. Well, whatever deal is there has probably expired. Anyways, many people use RayDream or Infini-D from (url="http://"")MetaCreations(/url). The Infini-D demo is there, but I don't think there is one for RayDream. Oh, if you wanted to make landings though, you could download the Bryce demo from there. Just be sure you can take a screenshot before it finishes renering.

Micah L , (url="http://"")

I've found that in G4's Bryce 4 demo doesn't run, due to the Velocity Engine factor, and to be frank, you can get lost. The real program is perfect for that sort of thing, but it's not cheap. It's a good inversion though!

E-Mail me if you want a demo disk, I got doubles from Macworld


I use Strata Vision 5 and Bryce 4 sometimes.

Pixels 3d were doing a cool offer not so long ago for an arguably better program.


M A R T I N • T U R N E R

I've got Vision 3d 4.0, I got the Bryce Demo off a MacAddict CD and runs fine :D. A long time ago I had an Infini-d demo from one of the early MacAddict CDs (the issue with dennis the dog on the front wich I don't have any more :frown:) and I liked it but I lost it when I got my G4, so I went and downloaded the latset demo from metacreations but I dont like the interface now.


Hey, if you go to, you can download a PRO level 3D program and try it free for 30 days---and after that, if you set back the clock, it still works!!!
I'm more comfy with Strata Vision 3D 4.0, too. If you've made any ships in there I'd like to see them. Go ahead and send them in SV3D 4.0 format to me at (url="http://"")

Mister Spiffus-I got them sent, even with my lousy connection. hope you have a fast one :D.

If anyone else wants to see them I can put a 3/4 picture up but they don't send well on a 28800 connection (wich is as high as I can get for some reason). Unless
Mister Spiffus has a good connection and wants to send them 🙂


Uh oh...I send you two files that take up 3 megs.
If only I had known of your connection crappiness 🙂
